Cry Sprüche

Die 100 besten Sprüche über Cry!

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  • I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell, but today in dieser Nacht is that Scheisteil zamgekracht, so I hope that dir das not passiert and that my English better wird. When the snow falls wunderbar and the chlidren happy are, when the Glatteis on the street and we all a Glühwein need, then you know es ist soweit: she is here, the Weihnachtszeit. Every parkhaus is besetzt, weil die people fahren jetzt all to Kaufhof Mediamarktkriegen nearly Herzinfarkt. Shopping hirnverbrannte things and the christmasglocke rings. Merry christmas, merry christmas hear the music see the lights frohe Weihnacht, frohe Weihnacht, merry christmas allerseits... Mother in the kitchen bakes Schoko-, Nuss- and Mandelkeks Daddy in the Nebenraum schmücks a Riesen-Weihnachtsbaum he is hanging auf the balls then he from the Leiter falls. Finally the Kinderlein to the Zimmer kommen rein, and es sings the family schauerlich: Oh christmastree! and then jeder in the house is packing die Geschenke aus. Merry christmas, merry christmas hear the music see the lights frohe Weihnacht, frohe Weihnacht, merry christmas allerseits... Mama finds unter the Tanne eine brandnew Teflon-Pfanne.Papa gets a Schlips and Socken, everybody does frohlocken. President speaks in tivi all around is harmony. bis mother in the kitchen runs: im Ofen burns the Weihnachtsgans. And so comes die Feuerwehr with tatüü tataa daher, and they brinq a lonq lonq Schlauch, and a lonq lonq Leiter auch, and they cry: Wasser Marsch! Christmas das is now am Arsch... Merry christmas, merry christmas hear the music see the lights frohe Weihnacht, frohe Weihnacht, merry christmas allerseits...

  • Don't cry, stay strong, fake a smile and move on. ♥

  • Wovon träumen Tiger, wenn sie schlafen ruhig und ohne stress, von nem dicken steak vom Zebra oder Hally Berry in nem Catwomen-Dress.Denk jetzt garnicht groß nach, das wird schon nett und du kommst zurück zu Tyson in dein Schmusetigerbett. Dann gehen wir zu unsrem besten Freund Doug und drücken ihn ganz lieb, weil er da so mag. Doug Doug oh doug doggy doggy doug doug. Doch wird er ermordet von Crystal-Speed-Junkies- Ja dann is dasn scheiß Tag XD FÜR ALLE DIE HANGOVER LIEBEN

  • Be happy; Don't cry. Say Fuck You and Smile :) ♥

  • smile now, cry later, Mittelfinger hoch, HI HATER!!

  • Don`t cry, just say ,,fuck you!" and smile! :D

  • And then she said "It's okay. I got lost on this way but I'm a supergirl. And supergirls don't cry." ♥
  • I Love you Every day, Every moment, Every time I think about you, I want to say that I love you. I just love so much that words can´t say. So much that it hurts me ,cause I can´t have you ever. Because you and me aren´t made to be together we made to be best friends and that is hurting me every day , Every moment, Every time I think about you. I now all that so I have to cry with every word I am saying but I can´t false the truth cause I can´t lay . So just for now I´am sitting here and cry. I cry because Every day, Every moment, Every time I think about you I now we are just friends. Friends for ever but we won´t be together ever Because you don’t love me Any day, Any moment, Any time you think about me. You will never love me But I will love you forever nut I never tell anyone I will watch when you have you first girlfriend I will watch when you merry your wife I will watch when you first kind get born I will be there when you´re sad I will be forever there Because I love you and you don´t now because you were to blind in every moment of your live Avery day, Every moment, Every time you thought about me , YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FOR SURE But it wasn´t If I haven’t loved you I would have my on live and you would never ever had a such good fried. When you read this (but you shouldn´t) than think about it was it for sure ? Have you ever realized What I´ve done for YOU ??? But I love you just the way you are

  • Baby don`t cry, say "Fuck you", and smile. ;)

  • And then she said: "it's ok, I got lost on the way , but I'm a supergirl and supergirls don't cry."
  • Advent, my english brennt Do you speak English? -Me not.... =) I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht, is that Scheißteil zamgekracht. So I hope that dir das not passiert and that my Englisch better wird. When the snow falls wunderbar And the children happy are, When the Glatteis on the street, And we all a Gluehwein need, Then you know, es ist soweit: She is here, the Weihnachtszeit. Every Parkhaus is besetzt, Weil die people fahren jetzt All to Kaufhof, Mediamarkt,Kriegen nearly Herzinfarkt. Shopping hirnverbrannte things And the Christmasglocke rings. Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, Hear the music, see the lights, Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht, Merry Christmas allerseits ... Mother in the kitchen bakes Schoko-, Nuss- and Mandelkeks Daddy in the Nebenraum Schmücks a Riesen-Weihnachtsbaum He is hanging auf the balls, Then he from the Leiter falls ... Finally the Kinderlein To the Zimmer kommen rein And es sings the family Schauerlich: \"Oh, Chistmastree!\" And then jeder in the house Is packing die Geschenke aus. Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, Hear the music, see the lights, Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht, Merry Christmas allerseits ... Mama finds unter the Tanne Eine brandnew Teflon-Pfanne,Papa gets a Schlips and Socken, Everybody does frohlocken. President speaks in TiVi, All around is Harmonie. Bis mother in the kitchen runs: Im Ofen burns the Weihnachtsgans. And so comes die Feuerwehr With Tatü, tata daher, And they bring a long, long Schlauch And a long, long Leiter auch. And they cry - \"Wasser marsch!\", Christmas das is now im Arsch ... Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, Hear the music, see the lights, Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht, Merry Christmas allerseits... (unbekannter Künstler)

  • fake friends: see that you smile real friends: see that your soul cry

  • Don't cry. Say "Ta qifsha nanen" and smile :)

  • Wenn eine Beziehung zu Ende geht Geht eine Tür zu, eine andere geht auf DON'T CRY, SAY FUCK YOU AND SMILE!! ♥ :D

  • I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive your car, I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick. It even makes me ryhme. I hate the way you're always right, I hate it when you lie, I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate that you're not around, and the fact you didn't call. But mostly I hate it that I can't hate you not even close not even a little bit not even at all. ♥

  • 'cause I'm a supergirl and supergirls don't cry.. ♥
  • Baby don't cry say "fuck you" an smile (:

  • I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

  • Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, when we kiss? Because, the most beautiful things in the world can not be seen with your eyes, it must be felt with your heart.

  • Für Leute mit Liebeskummer! James Morrison - I won't let you go. Coldplay - The Scientist. Ron Rope - A drop in the ocean. 4Tune - Miss you. Bruno Mars - Talking to the moon. Bruno Mars - Who is. Bruno Mars - All she knows. Adele - Someone like you. Evanescence - My Immortal. Jason Walker - Cry. Jason Walker - Down. One Republic - All we are. Professor Green - Read all about. Katy Perry - The one got away. Alles schöne Lieder zum Nachdenken. ♥

  • Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year To save me from tears I'll give it to someone special Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year To save me from tears I'll give it to someone special (special) Once bitten and twice shy I keep my distance But you still catch my eye Tell me baby Do you recognize me? Well It's been a year It doesn't surprise me (Merry Christmas) I wrapped it up and sent it With a note saying "I love you" I meant it Now I know what a fool I've been But if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me again A crowded roomFriends with tired eyes I'm hiding from you And your soul of ice My god I thought you were Someone to rely on Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on A face on a lover with a fire in his heart A man undercover but you've torn me apart Oo-hoo Now I've found a real love you'll never fool me again A face on a lover with a fire in his heart A man undercover but you've torn him apart Maybe next year I'll give it to someone I'll give it to someone special. ♥ wer dieses Lied liebt Liken ‹3

  • Amerikaner : Oh , Please Don't Cry :(Deutsche : Oh , Weine Nicht :( Türken : Kes Lan , Zirlama kiz gibi :D

  • Girl : Am I pretty? Boy : NO. Girl : Do you want to be with me forever? Boy : NO. Girl : Would you cry if I walked away? .................................... ...........................Boy : NO. She heard enough, and was hurt. She walked away, tears ran down her face. The boy grabbed her arm. Boy : Your not pretty, your beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forever. And I wouldn't cry if you walked away, I would DIE. (Boy whispers) : Please? Stay with me. (Girl whispers) : I will. Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they love you. Something good will happen to you between 1-4 pm. Tomorrow it could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life! If you don't post this to 5 other pages. You will have relationship problems for the next 10 yea

  • Elementary school: *crying* I didn't do my homework! Middle School : I didn't do it.... High school: We had homework???

  • i hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut you hair, i hate the way you drive my car, i hate it when you stare. i hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind, i hate you so much it makes me sick. it even makes me rhime.i hate the way you always right. i hate it when you lie. i hate when you make me lought, even worse when you make me cry. i hate it when you not around and the fact you didn't call. but mostly i hate the way i don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all...

  • why do we close our eyes when we pray when we cry when we dream or when kiss because we know that the most beautiful things is life are not seen, but felt by heart

  • Don't cry... Say "fuck you!" and smile :)

  • ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮ Dont Cry...say 'fuck you' and smile :) ♥

  • sick of CRYING tired of TRYING yeah I'm smiling but inside I'm DYING..
  • Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful. ♥

  • I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme. I hate the way you're always right, I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

  • And then she'd say:"It's okey, I got lost on the way but I'm a supergirl and supergirls don't cry."
  • Don't Cry , Say Fuck you and smile! ♥ Genau .! Hau rein Diggah ;D

  • don´t cry. say 'digga schwör, gibt auf fresse!' and smile!

  • Don't cry. say "fuck you" and smile :)

  • Boy: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy! His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see.. Boy: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anything. She’s a crybaby! His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see.. Boy: I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldn’t bitch about it. His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I see.. Boy: Well, she.. His Best Friend: You broke up with her because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud? Boy: I broke her heart.. Because I couldn’t see what was happening.. What happened to me? His Best Friend: You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could. You see? You didn’t want her when all she ever wanted was you. THAT’S what happened.

  • >Let´s cry, say fuck you and smile dabei!<

  • Boy: I broke up with her. His Best Friend: What happened? Boy: She’s just too much for me. His Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong? Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed! So insecure.. His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? She wanted you to see that you have the prettiest girl under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see.. Boy: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy! His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see.. Boy: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anything. She’s a crybaby! His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see.. Boy: I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldn’t bitch about it. His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I see.. Boy: Well, she.. His Best Friend: You broke up with her because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud? Boy: I broke her heart.. Because I couldn’t see what was happening.. What happened to me? His Best Friend: You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could. You see? You didn’t want her when all she ever wanted was you. THAT’S what happened

  • I close my eyes and think about you, You're so real in my dream. And than I opened my eyes. I'm crying, than you're not here on my side... Wenn wir nur in Träumen leben könnte...

  • Ein P.I.M.P ging aus, denn er wollte seine LOVE IN THIS CLUB finden. Drinnen sah er die absolute MISS INDEPENDENT an der Bar stehen und er fragte den Barkeeper WHO'S THAT CHICK. Dieser sagte, "dass ist die verBOTENe ANNA, aber die ist DANGEROUS, Lass die Finger Davon du weißt doch NO WOMAN NO CRY" . Er sagte, "egal sie schaut so aus als wär sie FREAKY LIKE ME" und ging auf sie zu. Er fragte sie "HOW LOW CAN YOU GO?" Diese erwiederte nur " Ich weiß you want a PIECE OF ME aber HOW WE DO muss BETTER FASTER STRONGER sein" Er schaute sie nur an und sagte " Ich will dich RIGHT NOW (NA NA NA) also SHAKE THAT ASS FOR ME weil ich will DO IT ALL NIGHT." Als sie damit fertig waren sagte sie "Du warst zwar nicht the BEST I EVER HAD du bist auch kein echter RUDE BOY aber GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN und ich wollte nur USE SOMEBODY also geh ich jetzt " Er erwiederte " I GOTTA FEELING also PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME. BECAUS THE NIGHT bist du IN MY HEAD und TE AMO" Sie sagte "Ich BREAK YOUR HEART und TIE YOU DOWN denn LOVE IS WICKED. Also DONT WORRY BE HAPPY" Sie nahm ihr LIPGLOSS und TROW IT IN THE BAG und Dann ging sie. Er Wollte ihr noch hinterherufen" Egal ob das THE WAY YOU ARE ist ich bin NOT AFRAID und ich tue WHATEVER YOU LIKE" aber sie war ALREADY GONE. Er dachte this is KILLING ME SOFTLY aber ich muss MOVING ON und WHEN I GROW UP werde ich SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW mein DREAMGIRL finden und die wird LIKE A STAR sein und den SCHÖNSTEN ARSCH DER WELT haben.

  • don't worry.. don't cry..smoke ganja.. and FLY! :D

  • I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme. I hate the way you�re always right, I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you�re not around, and the fact that you didn�t call. But mostly I hate the way I don�t hate you, not even close� not even a little bit� not even at all.

  • Ein Computerhersteller will demnächst einen PC für Senioren auf den Markt bringen. Die TopTen-Anzeichen, dass Du gerade vor einem PC für Senioren sitzt: 10. Will man eine Datei speichern, bietet einem Word automatisch "testament.doc" an 9. Der 42 Zoll Monitor (für gutes Sehen) 8. Man kann die Moorhühner nicht abschießen, sondern muss sie füttern oder streicheln 7. Die Boxen sind ab Werk schon auf volle Lautstärke eingestellt 6. Bei Minesweeper kann man zwischen den Szenarien "Stalingrad" und "Normandie" wählen 5. Für geringen Aufpreis gibt es die Lifetime-Garantie 4. Die voreingestellte Startseite ist 3. Die Maus enthält Force-Feedback-Komponenten, die automatisch Parkinson ausgleichen und es gibt auf der Tastatur eine eigene Doppel-Klick-Taste 2. Keine langfristige Ratenzahlung möglich und das Nr.-1-Anzeichen, dass Du gerade vor einem PC für Senioren sitzt: Wenn länger als 15 Minuten keine Taste gedrückt wird, kommt automatisch der Notarzt.

  • SometimEs all you can do IS LAUGH to keep youselfe FROM CRYING!!

  • Facebook Smileys: :-) :) :] =) smile :-( :( :[ =) sad :P :-p :p :-P =P tongue ;-) ;) wink :-D :D =D big smile :-O :O :-o :o surprised :'( cry 8-) 8) B-) B) geek 8-| 8| B-| B| cool >:( >:-( mad >:O >:-O >:o >:-o very angry :/ :-/ :\ :-\ thinking o.O O.o confused :-* :* kiss 3:) 3:-) devil O:) O:-) angle ♥ heart ^_^ very happy -_- moody one :v pacman :3 curly lips :|] robot (^^^) shark :putnam: chris putnam <(") pinguin :42: 42 *irgend ein text* fett geschrieben

  • When I grow up, I want a son first then a daughter. So my son would beat up any boy that makes my little girl cry.

  • Smell the summer breeze, feel the fresh air sweep you away; forget about tomorrow, yesterday, & today.

  • Don't cry, say "Fuck you" and Smile. ツ

  • Just gonna stand there And watch me burn But that's alright Because I like The way it hurts Just gonna stand there And hear me cry But that's alright Because I love The way you lie I love the way you lie <3<3

  • i couldn`t stop crying when you told me about her, but when i finally saw her - i couldn`t stop laughing...

  • Just gonna stand there And watch me burn But that's alright Because I like The way it hurts ...Just gonna stand there And hear me cry But that's alright Because I love The way you lie I love the way you lie..

  • All you need is love or how you said only girl<3 You gave me the feeling to be your only and first big love…it's a good feeling better then you thouht it feels…<3 You're like an angel that cames down the heaven and kiss my lips… It was like a dream all the time with you…<3 But one day he came to me and said very sad words to me, and they hurt so very much… He said: "All is changed…I don't know if I wheter love you, 'cause I think you don't feel the same for me…I think it isn't o.k. to be still in a relationship!!! This words hurt so because I wanted to say all this words to you…the same I thouht about you…the same feeling I had, too!!! All this I wanted say to you this day, but now it's to late…!!! We were so fixed to the other person that we forgot, to pay attention to our own feelings!!! Now I'm think about this lie and understand that our love was so perfekt, that once there must be a big hidden gap that would destroy our unbreakable relationship…  OMG…The big hidden gap was me…I was the problem!!! I never had told him how much I loved him…and now it's to late to say it to him :'( He said this three words more than thousand times in the week and I never!!! But I thouht he didn't love me???!!!  But I gave him this feeling…to be unimportant!!!  And it hurts… …And now I'm sitting alone at home in my room and think about The heavenly times with him…and I couldn't look you every day in your eyes with a lie on my lips…and with this three words I said goodbye forever…:"I Love You!!!" He drove to her this day and goes in her room…there she was lying at the floor…WITH A KNIFE IN HER HEART!!! She's dead, but he thouht she still lives… but all help is to late!!! :'( There he was sitting…and then he begins to cry…he think:"I couldn't live without you…I love you still and forever…I would be in hell and you in heaven…' cause you're dead because of me :'(  He lie down by her dropped the knife and stab it into his own heart…and die by her <3 <3 <3 :'( They found them dead 1 hour later…STILL in love!!! :'( <3

  • don't cry. say 'digga schwör, gibt auf fresse!' and smile! :D ♥

  • That moment when you burst out crying alone in your room. And you realize that no one truly knows how unhappy you are because you don't want anyone to know.

  • I went to a party, And remembered what you said. You told me not to drink, Mom So I had a sprite instead. I felt proud of myself, The way you said I would, That I didn't drink and drive, Though some friends said I should. I made a healthy choice, And your advice to me was right, The party finally ended, And the kids drove out of sight. I got into my car, Sure to get home in one piece, I never knew what was coming, Mom Something I expected least. Now I'm lying on the pavement, And I hear the policeman say, The kid that caused this wreck was drunk, Mom, his voice seems far away. My own blood's all around me, As I try hard not to cry. I can hear the paramedic say, This girl is going to die. I'm sure the guy had no idea, While he was flying high, Because he chose to drink and drive, Now I would have to die. So why do people do it, Mom Knowing that it ruins lives? And now the pain is cutting me, Like a hundred stabbing knives. Tell sister not to be afraid, Tell daddy to be brave, And when I go to heaven, Put Daddy's Girl on my grave. Someone should have taught him, That its wrong to drink and drive. Maybe if his parents had, I'd still be alive. My breath is getting shorter, Mom I'm getting really scared. These are my final moments, And I'm so unprepared. I wish that you could hold me Mom, As I lie here and die. I wish that I could say, "I love you, Mom!" So I love you and good-bye.

  • everybody can see me loughing, but nobody can see me crying
  • I can hold my tears ‘till someone asks me what’s wrong, then I burst out crying
  • Just gonna stand there and watch me burn Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry Well that's alright because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I can't tell you what it really is I can only tell you what it feels like And right now there's a steel knife in my windpipe I can't breathe but I still fight all I can fight As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight High off of love, drunk from my hate It's like I'm huffin' paint and I love her The more I suffer, I suffocate Right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates Me, she fuckin' hates me and I love it, Wait! Where you going? I'm leaving you. No you ain't. Come back. We're running right back Here we go again, it's so insane 'Cause when it's going good, it's going great I'm Superman with the wind in his back She's Lois Lane, but when it's bad, it's awful I feel so ashamed, I snapped, "Who's that dude?" I don't even know his name I laid hands on her, I'll never stoop so low again I guess I don't know my own strength Just gonna stand there and watch me burn Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry Well that's alright because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie You ever love somebody so much, you could barely breathe when you with 'em? You meet, and neither one of you even know what hit 'em Got that warm fuzzy feeling, yeah, them chills, used to get 'em Now you gettin' fuckin' sick of lookin' at 'em You swore you'd never hit 'em, never do nothing to hurt 'em Now you're in each other's face spewing venom in your words when you spit 'em You push, pull each other's hair, scratch, claw, bit 'em Throw 'em down, pin 'em, so lost in the moments when you're with 'em It's the fate that took over, it controls you both So they say, you're best to go your separate ways Guess that they don't know you 'cause today, That was yesterday, yesterday is over, it's a different day Sound like broken records playing over But you promised her, next time you'd show restraint You don't get another chanceLife is no Nintendo game, but you lied again Now you get to watch her leave out the window Guess that's why they call it "window pane" Just gonna stand there and watch me burn Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry Well that's alright because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie Now I know we said things, did things that we didn't mean And we fall back into the same patterns, same routine But your temper's just as bad as mine is You're the same as me When it comes to love you're just as blinded Baby, please come back, it wasn't you, Baby, it was me. Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano All I know is I love you too much to walk away though Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk? Told you this is my fault, look me in the eyeball Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist at the drywall Next time? There won't be no next time I apologize, even though I know it's lies I'm tired of the games, I just want her back. I know I'm a liar If she ever tries to fuckin' leave again, I'ma tie her to the bed and set this house on fire I'm just gonna Just gonna stand there and watch me burn Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts Just gonna stand there and hear me cry Well that's alright because I love the way you lie I love the way you lie I love the way you lie <3<3<3 ' *

  • Just gonna stand there and watch me burn ... but thats allright becuase i like the way it hurts! Just gonna stand there and here me cry ..... but thats allright because i love the way you lie.... i love the way you lie! <3 <3 das lied <3 <3

  • And then she'd say it's okay,i got lost on my way but i'm a supergirl...and supergirls don't cry !
  • Let's нave fun. We can cry ʟater Tнere is enougн time. But now we sнouʟᴅ вe нappy.♥ (:

  • when you told me that you still love your ex i couldn’t stop crying, but when i saw her i couldn’t stop laughing and stopped immediately wanting you

  • Birdy, birdy in the sky, dropped a `poopie` in my eye. I don't worry, i don't cry, I'm just happy, that cows can't fly (:

  • warum liest man auf jeder seite von i-welchen bitches "don't cry, say fuck you and smile!" aber dann heulen sie einen dauernd mit ihren problemen mit iwelchen typen voll?! :D

  • You can be the peanut butter to my jelly. You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly. You can be the captain and I can be your first mate. You can be the chills that I feel on our first date. You can be the hero and I can be your side kick. You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split. You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'. Or you can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'. .. <3

  • Sometimes it's hard not to cry not to scream not to run away The hardest thing in life ist to stay calm to stay quiet and don't show anybody how you really feel

  • Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful. ♥

  • don't cry. say 'digga schwör, gibt auf fresse!' and smile !


  • BOYS BECOME MEN WHEN THEY: 1. follow you when you walk out 2. call you back when you hand up 3.hug you when you punch his face 4.kiss you when you nag chick - flicks with you 6.tolerate your crying over love stories 7.hand you the remote control 8.pass on booze night just to listen your rantings 9.don't flare up when you give car directions 10. says I'm sorry and tells you he needs you

  • When I see your face..........then i must cry...! XD
  • schon wieder ne 4... macht nix! denn: 4 ist ausreichend ausreichend ist gut!!! gut = 2 also : don't cry -> keep smile!

  • "Your best? Only losers whine about doing their best. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen."
  • my shoulders are strong but you can cry on them too ........Lemonade Mouth Love it ♥

  • I hate that right before you cry everyone can hear it in your voice ♫

  • Time passes by and our friendship does not die. We hold together every day and night and after every stupit fight. We trust each other and do not lie and we comfort each other when we cry. Together forever. There is much more that we would like to say but there isn't any way... Kurze Übersetzung; Die Zeit geht vorrüber, aber unsere Freundschaft stirbt nicht. Wir halten zusammen: jeden Tag und jede Nacht und nach jedem dummen Streit. Wir vertrauen uns gegenseitig und wir lügen nicht und wir trösten einander wenn wir weinen. Zusammen für immer. Da ist viel mehr, das wir sagen wollen, aber da ist kein Weg... Für alle die dies empfinden, wenn sie eine gute Freundin oder einen guten Freund haben bitte "Gefällt mir" drüken : )) ps.: Hab ich selbst verfasst also © by ME xD

  • Ein Computerhersteller will demnächst einen PC für Senioren auf den Markt bringen. Die Top-Ten-Anzeichen, dass Du gerade vor einem PC für Senioren sitzt: 10. Will man eine Datei speichern, bietet einem Word automatisch"testament.doc" an 9. Der 42" Monitor 8. Man kann die Moorhühner nicht abschießen, sondern füttern 7. Die Boxen sind ab Werk schon auf volle Lautstärke eingestellt 6. Bei Minesweeper kann man zwischen den Szenarien "Stalingrad" und "Normandie" wählen 5. Als besonderen Service gibt es die Lifetime-Garantie 4. Die voreingestellte Startseite ist die Homepage eines Fernsehsenders 3. Die Maus enthält Force-Feedback-Komponenten, die automatisch Parkinson ausgleichen 2. Keine Ratenzahlung möglich ....und das Nr.-1-Anzeichen, dass Du gerade vor einem PC für Senioren sitzt: Wenn länger als 15 minuten keine Taste gedrückt wird, kommt der Notarzt.

  • Don't cry say fick deine mutta du hurnsohn and smile (;

  • I can see you’re sad Even when you smile Even when you laugh I can see it in your eyes Deep inside, you wanna cry..♥3 EMINEM ♥

  • Little girl don't cry!! Say "fuck you" and smile :)

  • Girl: My heart operation is today, I'm so scared... Boy: You'll be okay baby. Girl: I'm going to the operation room now babe, I love you. Boy: (looks away, starts to cry) Bye Babe. Girl gets heart transplant and comes out of operation room looking for him. Girl: Where is he? Mom: Didn't they tell you who gave you your heart..? Girl: OMG Mom: lol jk he's taking a shit!

  • Don't cry, say : " fuck you " and smile (:

  • Huush litt baby, don´t you cry! Momma's gonna buy you a mockingbird!
  • Don't cry say "digga ich schwör ich schlag dir fresse" and smile :)

  • Er: Meine katze ist im nachbars pool ertrunken :( *cry* nu will er mich anzeigen weil seine kinder das gesehen haben.. was soll ich machen?? Ich: Zurücklehnen und Trauern!!!! :D Er: ja aber katzen können doch schwimmen??? Ich: Ja natürlich aber wie kommt sie den ausem pool irgend wann kann ne katze auch net mehr!!!! Er: achso :( die arme katze :( Ich: jojo Fraddy Egaal

  • ~D'ont cry Say [F*** YOU ] && Smile ;)) ~

  • love isn't in having sex and kissing. love is respecting trusting and believing in each other. someone who knows you like no one else. you can cry with this person as well as you can laugh with her. you can tell her everything. Everytime you see this person it's like she's everything you ever wanted in life. for you this person is the definition of love ♥

  • Baby don't cry, say "fuck you" and smile. ♥

  • One day, a bird sh*t into my eye. I didn´t laught, I didn´t cry. I just thanked god, that cows cant fly. ♥ ♥ ♥

  • But I'm a supergirl & supergirls don't cry..♥
  • I'm a big girl and Fergie said that big girls don't cry soo why i'm crying?? :'(

  • Don't cry say "fuck you" and smile :) ♥

  • I search but never find, hurt but never cry, work and forever try...

  • "We're all walking around with these glossy eyes. 'I'm just tired,' we say. But you know what? It's bullshit. Yes, we are tired, but it's not all from lack of sleep. We are tired of waking up with nothing to look forward to, tired of going to bed exhausted after doing a million things we find no enjoyment in doing. We're tired of this void, this emptiness that looms over us even though our days are packed. We're tired of the loneliness that presses down on us even though we're surrounded by dozens of people. So why can't we just say it? Humans are so afraid to look into each other's eyes and say, 'I am unhappy, I am broken, I am hopeless and fallible.' We've been conditioned to associate pain with weakness, sadness with coldness, loneliness with unworthiness, difference with disease, as if these feelings are contagious, as if ambivalence is something not to be felt but to be feared. Well, I say screw all of that. Screw forced smiles and polite handshakes and I'm fine, thank yous. Screw the fear of crying in a public place, screw the fake chipper voice, screw the lies we spit out to cover up our problems. We are humans. We are meant to feel. To feel everything and to feel it all openly. We are not metal—we are flesh and bone. Our boild blood courses through our cold, clammy hands. We are intricate and beautiful and we should never hide our human parts, because if we do, then what's left to show?"

  • don't cry ._. say "fuck you" and smile :)

  • Baby, don´t cry.. say 'Fuck You' and smile :) ♥

  • I Hate you I Kill you I would never kiss you I want to see you die I want you only see crying I want you never see I will scratch out the eyes and I'll scratch your eyes and you drehn the neck to If I could I would go even once you too foreign to me as you I want you to suffer the same pain as I had this x_x -.- C)= :@ FUCK YOU

  • In the woods and forest deep! Over seas and oceans baby blue! Are you... In the sand of deserts far! In the streams of river's crystal-clear! You're here... Around the world... I'm traveling! I'm traveling! Under your skin! ♥

  • 3 Dinge, die wir an Samu [Sunrise Avenue] lieben 1. Seine kindische Art & naivität 2. Seine Tattoos, vorallem: Forever yours & Boys do cry ♥ 3. Seine Stimme & Band ♥

  • i tell you what a girl do when she's crying inside.. she's faking a smile.. ;C & everyone thinks she's happy. But the truth is she's strong enough to cry lonely . Because no one understand her situation. everyone says she can get something better.. what she want HIM more than anything. she will be happy when she wake up & HE'S next to her & says ; Baby i love you more than somebody else. You will be my houswife You will be the mother of my children. .. diloow.

Cry Sprüche als Bilder!

Viele Cry Spruchbilder, tolle kostenlose Crybilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!
I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell, but today in dies
I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell,
but today in dieser Nacht
is that Scheisteil zamgekracht,
so I hope that dir das not passiert and that my English better wird.
When the snow falls wunderbar
and the chlidren happy are,
when the Glatteis on the street
and we all a Glühwein need,
then you know es ist soweit:
she is here, the Weihnachtszeit.
Every parkhaus is besetzt,
weil die...
Don't cry, stay strong, fake a smile and move on. ♥
Don't cry, stay strong, fake a smile and move on. ♥
Wovon träumen Tiger, wenn sie schlafen ruhig und ohne stress, von nem di
Wovon träumen Tiger, wenn sie schlafen ruhig und ohne stress,
von nem dicken steak vom Zebra oder Hally Berry in nem Catwomen-Dress.
Denk jetzt garnicht groß nach, das wird schon nett
und du kommst zurück zu Tyson in dein Schmusetigerbett.
Dann gehen wir zu unsrem besten Freund Doug
und drücken ihn ganz lieb, weil er da so mag.
Doug Doug oh doug doggy doggy doug doug.
Doch wird er ermordet von ...
Be happy; Don't cry. Say Fuck You and Smile :) ♥
Be happy; Don't cry.
Say Fuck You and Smile :) ♥
smile now, cry later, Mittelfinger hoch, HI HATER!!
smile now, cry later, Mittelfinger hoch, HI HATER!!
Don`t cry, just say ,,fuck you!" and smile! :D
Don`t cry, just say ,,fuck you!" and smile! :D
And then she said "It's okay. I got lost on this way but I'm a supergirl
And then she said "It's okay. I got lost on this way but I'm a supergirl. And supergirls don't cry." ♥
I Love you Every day, Every moment, Every time I think about you, I want
I Love you
Every day,
Every moment,
Every time I think about you,
I want to say that I love you.
I just love so much that words can´t say.
So much that it hurts me ,cause I can´t have you ever.
Because you and me aren´t made to be together we made to be best friends and that is hurting me every day ,
Every moment,
Every time I think about you.
I now all that so I have to cry with every word I a...
And then she said: "it's ok, I got lost on the way , but I'm a supergirl
And then she said: "it's ok, I got lost on the way ,
but I'm a supergirl and supergirls don't cry."
Baby don`t cry, say "Fuck you", and smile. ;)
Baby don`t cry, say "Fuck you", and smile. ;)
Advent, my english brennt Do you speak English? -Me not.... =) I am sl
Advent, my english brennt 
Do you speak English? -Me not.... =) 
I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell.
But today in dieser Nacht,
is that Scheißteil zamgekracht.
So I hope that dir das not passiert and that my Englisch better wird. 
When the snow falls wunderbar
And the children happy are,
When the Glatteis on the street,
And we all a Gluehwein need,
Then you know, es ist sowei...
fake friends: see that you smile real friends: see that your soul cry
fake friends: see that you smile
real friends: see that your soul cry
Wenn eine Beziehung zu Ende geht Geht eine Tür zu, eine andere geht auf
Wenn eine Beziehung zu Ende geht
Geht eine Tür zu,
eine andere geht auf
Don't cry. Say "Ta qifsha nanen" and smile :)
Don't cry. Say "Ta qifsha nanen" and smile :)
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive your car, I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick. It even makes me ryhme. I hate the way you're always right, I hate it when you lie, I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you  make me cry. I hate that you're n...
'cause I'm a supergirl and supergirls don't cry.. ♥
'cause I'm a supergirl and supergirls don't cry.. ♥
Baby don't cry say "fuck you" an smile (:
Baby don't cry say "fuck you" an smile (:
Why do we close our eyes when we sleep, when we cry, when we imagine, wh
Why do we close our eyes when we sleep,
when we cry, when we imagine, when we kiss?
Because, the most beautiful things in the world can not be seen with your eyes, it must be felt with your heart.
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry. I hate it wh...
Elementary school: *crying* I didn't do my homework! Middle School : I d
Elementary school: *crying* I didn't do my homework!
Middle School : I didn't do it....
High school: We had homework???
Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it awa
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special (special)
Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distance
But you still catch my eye
Tell me baby
Do you recognize me?
Amerikaner : Oh , Please Don't Cry :( Deutsche : Oh , Weine Nicht :( Tür
Amerikaner : Oh , Please Don't Cry :(
Deutsche : Oh , Weine Nicht :(
Türken : Kes Lan , Zirlama kiz gibi :D
Girl : Am I pretty? Boy : NO. Girl : Do you want to be with me forever?
Girl : Am I pretty?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Do you want to be with me forever?
Boy : NO.
Girl : Would you cry if I walked away?
.................................... ...........................Boy : NO.
She heard enough, and was hurt. She walked away, tears ran down her face. The boy grabbed her arm.
Boy : Your not pretty, your beautiful. I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forev...
Für Leute mit Liebeskummer! James Morrison - I won't let you go. Coldpla
Für Leute mit Liebeskummer!
James Morrison - I won't let you go.
Coldplay - The Scientist.
Ron Rope - A drop in the ocean.
4Tune - Miss you.
Bruno Mars - Talking to the moon.
Bruno Mars - Who is.
Bruno Mars - All she knows.
Adele - Someone like you.
Evanescence - My Immortal.
Jason Walker - Cry.
Jason Walker - Down.
One Republic - All we are.
Professor Green - Read all about.
Katy Perry - The o...
Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it ha
Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful. ♥
why do we close our eyes when we pray when we cry when we dream or when
why do we close our eyes when we pray when we cry when we dream or when kiss because we know that the most beautiful things is life are not seen, but felt by heart
i hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut you hair, i hate the w
i hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut you hair, i hate the way you drive my car, i hate it when you stare. i hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind, i hate you so much it makes me sick. it even makes me rhime.i hate the way you always right. i hate it when you lie. i hate when you make me lought, even worse when you make me cry. i hate it when you not around an...
╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮ Dont Cry...say 'fuck you' and smile :) ♥
Dont Cry...say 'fuck you' and smile :) ♥
Don't cry... Say "fuck you!" and smile :)
Don't cry...
Say "fuck you!"
and smile :)
sick of CRYING tired of TRYING yeah I'm smiling but inside I'm DYING..
sick of CRYING
tired of TRYING
yeah I'm smiling
but inside I'm DYING..
And then she'd say:"It's okey, I got lost on the way but I'm a supergirl
And then she'd say:"It's okey, I got lost on the way but I'm a supergirl and supergirls don't cry."
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the
I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right, I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're n...
Don't Cry , Say Fuck you and smile! ♥ Genau .! Hau rein Diggah ;D
Don't Cry , Say Fuck you and smile!  ♥
Genau .! Hau rein Diggah ;D
Boy: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I
Boy: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see..
Boy: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anyth...
I close my eyes and think about you, You're so real in my dream. And tha
I close my eyes and think about you, You're so real in my dream. And than I opened my eyes. I'm crying, than you're not here on my side... Wenn wir nur in Träumen leben könnte...
Boy: I broke up with her. His Best Friend: What happened? Boy: She’s jus
Boy: I broke up with her.
His Best Friend: What happened?
Boy: She’s just too much for me.
His Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?
Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed! So insecure..
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? She wanted you ...
Ein P.I.M.P ging aus, denn er wollte seine LOVE IN THIS CLUB finden. Dri
Ein P.I.M.P ging aus, denn er wollte seine LOVE IN THIS CLUB finden. Drinnen sah er die absolute MISS INDEPENDENT an der Bar stehen und er fragte den Barkeeper WHO'S THAT CHICK. Dieser sagte, "dass ist die verBOTENe ANNA, aber die ist DANGEROUS, Lass die Finger Davon du weißt doch NO WOMAN NO CRY" . Er sagte, "egal sie schaut so aus als wär sie FREAKY LIKE ME" und ging auf sie zu. Er fragte sie...
don´t cry. say 'digga schwör, gibt auf fresse!' and smile!
don´t cry. say 'digga schwör, gibt auf fresse!' and smile!
>Let´s cry, say fuck you and smile dabei!
>Let´s cry, say fuck you and smile dabei!
Don't cry. say "fuck you" and smile :)
Don't cry. say "fuck you" and smile :)
When I grow up, I want a son first then a daughter. So my son would beat
When I grow up, I want a son first then a daughter. So my son would beat up any boy that makes my little girl cry.
Facebook Smileys: :-) :) :] =) smile :-( :( :[ =) sad :P :-p :p :-P =P t
Facebook Smileys:
:-) :) :] =) smile
:-( :( :[ =) sad
:P :-p :p :-P =P tongue
;-) ;) wink
:-D :D =D big smile
:-O :O :-o :o surprised
:'( cry
8-) 8) B-) B) geek
8-| 8| B-| B| cool
>:( >:-( mad
>:O >:-O >:o >:-o very angry
:/ :-/ :\ :-\ thinking
o.O O.o confused
:-* :* kiss
3:) 3:-) devil
O:) O:-) angle
♥ heart
^_^ very happy
-_- moody one
:v pacman
:3 curly lips
:|] robot
(^^^) shark
:putnam: c...
Smell the summer breeze, feel the fresh air sweep you away; forget about
Smell the summer breeze,
feel the fresh air sweep you away;
forget about tomorrow, yesterday, & today.
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the
I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you�re always right,
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you�re no...
Ein Computerhersteller will demnächst einen PC für Senioren auf den Mark
Ein Computerhersteller will demnächst einen PC für Senioren auf den Markt bringen. Die TopTen-Anzeichen, dass Du gerade vor einem PC für Senioren sitzt: 
10. Will man eine Datei speichern, bietet einem Word automatisch "testament.doc" an
9. Der 42 Zoll Monitor (für gutes Sehen)
8. Man kann die Moorhühner nicht abschießen, sondern muss sie füttern oder streicheln
7. Die Boxen sind ab Werk schon ...
don't worry.. don't cry.. smoke ganja.. and FLY! :D
don't worry.. don't cry..
smoke ganja..
and FLY! :D
SometimEs all you can do IS LAUGH to keep youselfe FROM CRYING!!
SometimEs all you can do IS LAUGH to keep youselfe FROM CRYING!!
Don't cry, say "Fuck you" and Smile. ツ
Don't cry, say "Fuck you" and Smile. ツ
Just gonna stand there And watch me burn But that's alright Because I li
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
Just gonna stand there And watch me burn But that's alright Because I li
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
...Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie..


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