Hope Sprüche

Die 100 besten Sprüche über Hope!

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  • The USA have: Barack Obama, Steve Wonder, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. We have: Angela Merkel, no Wonder, no Hope and no Cash.

  • I am sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht is that Scheißteil zusammengekracht. I hope that dir das nicht passiert and that my English better wird. :D

  • I am sleeping very well, in my quitsching bettgestell, but today in dieser Nacht, is that scheißteil zamgekracht! So I hope that dir das ned passiert, and that my English better wird.

  • I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell, but today in dieser Nacht is that Scheisteil zamgekracht, so I hope that dir das not passiert and that my English better wird. When the snow falls wunderbar and the chlidren happy are, when the Glatteis on the street and we all a Glühwein need, then you know es ist soweit: she is here, the Weihnachtszeit. Every parkhaus is besetzt, weil die people fahren jetzt all to Kaufhof Mediamarktkriegen nearly Herzinfarkt. Shopping hirnverbrannte things and the christmasglocke rings. Merry christmas, merry christmas hear the music see the lights frohe Weihnacht, frohe Weihnacht, merry christmas allerseits... Mother in the kitchen bakes Schoko-, Nuss- and Mandelkeks Daddy in the Nebenraum schmücks a Riesen-Weihnachtsbaum he is hanging auf the balls then he from the Leiter falls. Finally the Kinderlein to the Zimmer kommen rein, and es sings the family schauerlich: Oh christmastree! and then jeder in the house is packing die Geschenke aus. Merry christmas, merry christmas hear the music see the lights frohe Weihnacht, frohe Weihnacht, merry christmas allerseits... Mama finds unter the Tanne eine brandnew Teflon-Pfanne.Papa gets a Schlips and Socken, everybody does frohlocken. President speaks in tivi all around is harmony. bis mother in the kitchen runs: im Ofen burns the Weihnachtsgans. And so comes die Feuerwehr with tatüü tataa daher, and they brinq a lonq lonq Schlauch, and a lonq lonq Leiter auch, and they cry: Wasser Marsch! Christmas das is now am Arsch... Merry christmas, merry christmas hear the music see the lights frohe Weihnacht, frohe Weihnacht, merry christmas allerseits...

  • Ein super Englisch Gedicht: I was sleeping very well, in my quietsching Bettgestell. But in the middle of the Nacht, is that Scheißteil eingekracht! I hope that dir that nie passiert, and that my Englisch better wird.

  • ii was sleepy very well in my quietschi bettgestell. but in the middle of the nacht is it dann zusammengekracht. i hope that this will never passiert and that my english better wird. ;)

  • I was sleeping very well in my quitschi Bettgestell but in the middle off the Nacht is it dan zusamm gekracht. So I hope that dir das not passiert and that my englisch better wird

  • The old year is today vorbei, but the next comes eh morgen glei. I wish a super Rutsch to you, but I hope you don´t schütt you recht zu!
  • denglisch ;D i am sleepin very well in my quietsching bettgestell. but today in dieser nacht is that scheißtiel zamgekracht. so i hope that dir not passiert and my english better wird. (:

  • I was sleeping very well in my quitschi Bettgestell, but in the middle of the Nacht is es dann zusammgekracht. I hope that you das nicht passiert and that my english better wird! ;D

  • Brief eines Bayern an die NASA ... Greet God, I write you, because you must help me. I have seen your Space Shuttle in the television. And so came me the idea to make holidays in the world-room. Alone. Without my crazy wife. I am the Kraxlhuber. The King of Bavaria was my clock-clock grandfather. I stand on a very bad foot with my wife. Always she shouts with me. She has a shrill voice like a circle saw. She lets no good hair at me. She says I am a Schlapp-tail. She wants that I become Bürgermaster. But I want not be Bürgermaster. I have nothing at the hat with the political shit. I want my Ruah. And so I want make holidays on the moon. Wizhout my bad half.But I take my dog with me. He is a boxer. His name is Wurstl. So I want book a flight in your next Space Shuttle. But please give me not a window place. I would kotz you the rocket full, because I am not swindle-free. And no standing-place please... And please do not tell my wife that I want go alone. She has a big Shrot-gun. She would make a sieve from my ass. I need not much comfort. A nice double-room with bath and kloo and heating. And windows with look to the earth. So I can look through my farglass and see my wife working on the potatoe field. And I and my dog laugh us a branch ( häha). We will kringel ourself before laughing ( höhöhöhö)! Is what loose on the moon? I need worm weather and I hope the sun shines every day. This is very good for my frost-boils. With friendly Servus Xaver

  • i was sleeping very well, in my quetsching bettgestell. But in the middle of the nacht, that shitting is together gekracht. I hope that dir das nie passiert, and my englisch better wird! (:

  • ....30 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope, now we have no jobs, no cash and no hope!!! ='(
  • Very geehrter Mister Facebook, One week ago have i scho probiert to erklär you, daß i find this ziemlich ooreidig, when you ollawei make a umanander wursteling in my Seit'n. I have gmoant, that you host mi net verstanden, because i was writing in boarisch. Drum i will try it heit noamoi in your Sprach! Do your dahaude Sausage- finger out of mei Profilse...it'n, because i will become stocknarrisch!!! Every day i find wieder nothing. I hope now, you have des jetzt gfress'n, weil sunst i will hock mi in a Ruaderboot and come to you. Then it could be, that i am so narrisch, that i will give you a dermaßene bavarian Gnackfotz'n,daß you will find youself in da Eck'n wieder! DO YOU HAVE ME ???!!!

  • The USA have: -Barack Obama -Stevie Wonder -Bob Hope -Johnny Cash We have: -Angela Merkel -No Wonder -No Hope -No Cash

  • Ten years ago we had Steve Jobs Bob Hope and Jonny Cash. Now we have no Jobs no Hope and no Cash.
  • Advent, my english brennt Do you speak English? -Me not.... =) I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht, is that Scheißteil zamgekracht. So I hope that dir das not passiert and that my Englisch better wird. When the snow falls wunderbar And the children happy are, When the Glatteis on the street, And we all a Gluehwein need, Then you know, es ist soweit: She is here, the Weihnachtszeit. Every Parkhaus is besetzt, Weil die people fahren jetzt All to Kaufhof, Mediamarkt,Kriegen nearly Herzinfarkt. Shopping hirnverbrannte things And the Christmasglocke rings. Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, Hear the music, see the lights, Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht, Merry Christmas allerseits ... Mother in the kitchen bakes Schoko-, Nuss- and Mandelkeks Daddy in the Nebenraum Schmücks a Riesen-Weihnachtsbaum He is hanging auf the balls, Then he from the Leiter falls ... Finally the Kinderlein To the Zimmer kommen rein And es sings the family Schauerlich: \"Oh, Chistmastree!\" And then jeder in the house Is packing die Geschenke aus. Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, Hear the music, see the lights, Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht, Merry Christmas allerseits ... Mama finds unter the Tanne Eine brandnew Teflon-Pfanne,Papa gets a Schlips and Socken, Everybody does frohlocken. President speaks in TiVi, All around is Harmonie. Bis mother in the kitchen runs: Im Ofen burns the Weihnachtsgans. And so comes die Feuerwehr With Tatü, tata daher, And they bring a long, long Schlauch And a long, long Leiter auch. And they cry - \"Wasser marsch!\", Christmas das is now im Arsch ... Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, Hear the music, see the lights, Frohe Weihnacht, Frohe Weihnacht, Merry Christmas allerseits... (unbekannter Künstler)

  • I was sleeping very well, in my quietsching Bettgestell. But in the mitte of the Nacht, is the Scheißdreck eingekracht. I hope that you not that passiert, and that my english better wird. drücke auf "Gefällt mir" wenn du genauso gut Englisch kannst ;D

  • I was sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell ;) Doch in the middle of the Nacht the Bettgestell has zusammen'kracht ;) i hope that you that nie passiert and that my englisch better wird ;))

  • I´m sleeping verry well, in my quietsching bettgestell. But in the middle of the Nacht is das scheissding eingekracht. I hope das dir das not passiert und that my English better wird ;DD

  • i was sleeping very well in my quitsching bettgestell... but today in dieser nacht is that scheißteil zamgekracht... so i hope that dir das not passiert and that my englisch better wird :) ♥

  • I cannot believe that you are mine. I hope it isn't just a dream. But when you' re with me, when you kiss me, I realize, that's just a wonderful live! ♥

  • I was sleeping very well in my quitsching bettgestell, but in the middle of the nacht is that scheißteil eingekracht!!!!!!!! I hope that dir das nie passiert, and that my English besser wird

  • i am sleeping very welll. in my quietsching bettgestell. but today in the nacht. is that scheissteil zusammengekracht. i hope that dir das not passiert. and dät my english better wird. Wenn du es verstanden hast, Like es ;D

  • Ein Schwarzer und ein Weißer stehen nebeneinander an den Stehklo's. Der Schwarze fragt den Weißen was das auftätowierte "MY" auf seinem Penis bedeutet. "Wenn er errigiert ist steht da Marry", sagt der Weiße "Was bedeutet das "MY" auf deinem Penis? " Der Schwarze antwortet: "Wenn meiner errigiert ist steht da "Welcome to Massachusetts, I hope you enjoyed the fly"

  • i was sleeping very well in mei knitsching bettggestell in de midle of the nacht mei bettgeschtell hats zusammen gekracht. i hope that you that nie passiert und das mei english better wird

  • I was sleeping very well, in my quietsching Bettgestell. But in the middle of the Nacht, is that Scheißteil eingekracht. I hope that dir das nie passiert, and that my English besser wird. :D

  • Thinking of you, werever you are. We pray for our sorrows end and hope, that our hearts will blend. Now I step forwart to realize this wish. But who knows? Starting a new journey may not be so hart, or maybe, it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky. One sky. One destiny.

  • I was sleeping very well, in my quitsching Bettgestell. But in the middle of the Nacht, ist das Scheißteil zamgekracht! I hope that you das nie passiert, and that my englisch better wird! :D

  • amerika has: -barak obama -stevie wonder -jhonny cash -bob hope we have: -angela merkel -no wonder -no cash -no hope

  • ich : kenste den ; when you go me on the nerven , i steck you in the gullideckel and i hope that you never come back to the tageslicht. krisi : kennste den ; aaah , mein rücken tut weh.
  • i was sleeping very well in my sleeping bettgestell but in the middle of the nacht is the kistn zamen kracht , i hope that you that nie passiert and that my english besser wird ;D

  • Love is hope.. Love is luck.. Love take people back to life.. You see.. Love is beautiful:)♥♥

  • the old year is today vorbei, but the next comes eh morgn glei. I wish a superrutsch to you und hope you don't schüt you recht zu :D
  • I was sleeping very well in my quitsching bettgestell. But in the middle of the nacht my bettgestell was zamgekracht. I hope trhat dir this nie passiert und thath my english better wird !!xD

  • When the world says, " Give up ", hope whispers, " Try it one more time " ♥

  • I am sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht is that Scheissding zam gekracht. So i hope that dir not passiert and my english better wird.

  • I was sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell, but in the middle of the Nacht, my Bettgestell is zammgekracht. I hope that you das nie passiert and that my English better wird.... xD ♥

  • I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell, but today in dieser Nacht is that Scheißteil zaumgekracht!!! :( I hope that you des ned passiert and that my Englisch better wird!!

  • I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht, is that Scheißteil zamgekracht. So I hope that dir das not passiert and that my Englisch better wird.

  • Die USA hat:Barack Obama Stevie Wonder Bob Hope Johnny Cash Deutschland hat: Angela Merkel No Wonder No Hope No Cash

  • tonight i m sleeping very welll. in my quietsching bettgestell. but today in the nacht. is that scheissteil zusammengekracht. so i hope that dir das not passiert. and das my english better wird. Wenn du es verstanden hast, Like es ;D


  • I was sleeping very well in mei sleeping bettgestell, but in de middle of the nacht has de bettgestell zamgekracht, I hope that you that nie passiert and that my englisch-speak better wird..

  • I was sleeping very well in my quitsching bettgestell but in the middle of the nacht is my bettgestell together gekracht so I hope that you never will passiern and that my englisch better wird! ;)

  • When my friend doesn't come to school: 5% - "I hope they're ok" but 95% - "THAT IDIOT, HOW DARE THEY LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

  • I hope you're doing fine out there without me, cause I'm doing fine without you :)
  • I am sleeping very well, in my quietsching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht, is that Scheißteil zamgekracht. So I hope that dir das not passiert, and that my Englisch better wird xDDD

  • I am sleeping very well, in my quitsching bettgestel. But today in dieser Nacht is that scheiß teil zamgegracht. So i hope that dir das not passiert and my english besser wird. ;DDD

  • I´m sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell. But in the middle of the Nacht, ist es dann zusammgekracht. I hope that is you not passiert and that my english better wird!! :D hahha :D

  • It´s december and I´ll be missin you. Christmastime come and make my wish come true. I remember all the happy times with you. Make my wish, and hope this year my gift is you <3

  • Very geehrter Mister Facebook, one Week ago have i scho probierd to erklär you, dass i find this ziemlich unnedig when you ellaweil make a durchanander wurschdeling in my Seide. I have gmoint, that you hosch mi ned verstanda, because i was writing in schwäbisch. Deshalb i will try it heid nommol in your Sproch! Du your dreggige Sausagefinger out of my Profilseide, because i will become S...tocknar...red......!!! Every day i find wieder nothing. I hope now, you have des jetzt gfressa, weil sonschd i will hock mi in a Ruadrbood and come to you. Then it could be, that i am so narred, that i will give you a dermaßene Backpfeiff, dass you will find yourself in dr Ecke wiadr! And after this Backpfeiff i put you into a Gulli, put the Deggl druff, damit you will never come back to the Tageslicht!! DO YOU HAVE ME VERSTANDE?

  • i was sleeping very well in my quietsching bettgestell but in the middle of the nacht, ma bettgestell has zamgekracht! i hope that you das nie passiert and that my english better wird!

  • I am sleeping very well, in my quietsching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht, is that Scheißteil zamgekracht. So I hope that dir das not passiert, and that my Englisch better wird xD hahaha :D

  • I´m sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell. But in the middle of the Nacht, ist es dann zusammgekracht. I hope that is you not passiert and that my english better wird

  • I was sleeping very well, in my quitsching Bettgestell, but in the middle of the Nacht, my Bettgestell has zamgekracht, I hope that you that nie passiert, and that my Englisch better wird!!! ♥ Haha, so gail J.T.

  • tonight i m sleeping very welll. in my quietsching bettgestell. but today in the nacht. is that scheissteil zusammengekracht. so i hope that dir das not passiert. and das my english better wird. ~DarkHähnchen~

  • ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I am sleeping verry well, in my kwitsching Bettgestell; But today, in dieser Nacht, ist das Scheißteil zam gekracht; So I hope that dir that nit passiert, and that my englisch better wird!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  • When i sleeping very well, in my quitsching bettgestell, but in the middel of the nacht, is that scheißteil eingekracht, i hope das thet euch ned passiert, und das my english better wird.

  • Mom: Honey, what are you doing? Me: Figuring how I can stop human from destroying the planet. Mom: O, but honey, isn't that a bit to much to do yourself? Me: Yeah, but I hope at least 1234 people would stand by.. Mom: Good luck...

  • I was sleeping very well, in my quitsching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht, is that Scheißteil zamgekracht. So I hope that dir des nit passiert, and that my english better wird!

  • This is the way you left me, I'm not pretending. No hope, no love,? no glory, No Happy Ending. This is the way that we love, ...Like it's forever. Then live the rest of our life, But not together.

  • I was sleeping very well, in my quietsching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht, is that Scheißteil zamgekracht. So I hope that dir das not passiert, and that my Englisch better wird.

  • It´s december and I'll be missin you. Christmastime come and make my wish come true. I remember all the happy times with. Make my wish, and hope this year my gift is you <3

  • I was sleeping very well in my quitsching bettgestell but in the middle of the night is that scheißteil eingekracht !!!!!! i hope that das dir das nie passiert, and my Enlish besser wird :D

  • I'm sleeping very well, in my quitsching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht, is das Scheißteil zamgekracht. So I hope das dir das ned passiert, and that my English besser wird.

  • I am sleeping very well, in my quietching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht, is that Scheißteil zamgekracht. So i hope that dir das not passiert, and that my Englisch better wird xDDD

  • Don't know what's going on Don't know what went wrong Feels like a hundred years I Still can't believe you're gone So I'll stay up all night With these bloodshot eyes While all these walls surround me with the story of our life I feel so much better Now that you're gone forever I tell myself that I don't miss you at all I'm not lying, denying that I feel so much better now That you're gone forever Now things are coming clear And I don't need you here And in this world around me I'm glad you disappeared So I'll stay out all night Get drunk and fuck and fight Until the morning comes I'll Forget about our life I feel so much better Now that you're gone forever I tell myself that I don't miss you at all I'm not lying, denying that I feel so much better now That you're gone forever First time you screamed at me I should have made you leave I should have known it could be so much better I hope you're missing me I hope I've made you see That I'm gone forever And now it's coming clear That I don't need you here And in this world around me I'm glad you disappeared I feel so much better Now that you're gone forever I tell myself that I don't miss you at all I'm not lying, denying that I feel so much better now That you're gone forever And now you're gone forever And now you're gone forever

  • Amy Winehouse. Rest in Peace! ♥ I hope you on a better place now.

  • i was sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell but midden in der nacht das bettgestell has zsammenkracht i hope that you das nie passiert und that my englih better wird LIKE!!!!

  • You fucking whore you son of a bitch why can't you die I hate your fucking lies you fucking ass hole You punk ass motherfucker damn you and your lies You can go and fuck your bestfriend hope you booth will die. Für jeden der ne Person einfach nicht mehr Leiden kann.Einfach gefällt mir:) K$

  • It's gonna be legend-... wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DAIRY!
  • I hope you find your dream and live a happy life to its fullest. ♥

  • Es war einmal ein Mädchen namens Hope. Sie war in einen Junqen verliebt, der sie kaum wahr nahm. Eines Taqes nahm sie all ihren Mut zusammen und sprach ihn an, doch erwartet hatte sie etwas Anderes. Er schrie sie an und beleidiqte sie, nur, weil sie es qewaqt hatte, ihn, einen beliebten Junqen, an zusprechen. Mit Tränen in den Auqen rannte sie nach Hause. Sie wollte ihn verqessen, doch konnte es nicht. Am nächsten Taq las der Junqe ihren Namen in einem Artikel: Mädchen nimmt sich das Leben. Zur Klarstellunq Brief qeschrieben. Er las den Artikel und konnte nicht qlauben, was er qetan hatte: . . . ich war zu beliebt für das Leben.

  • I was sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell and in the middle of the Nacht my Bettgestell has zamgekracht... i hope that u das nie passiert and that my Englisch better wird <3 <3

  • The reason why we're fighting wars is love to our families, duty to our fatherland and hope in future.

  • I can sleep very well in my quietsching bettgestell but in the middle of the nacht is der scheißdreck zamgekracht, so I hope that you not passiert and my englisch better wird :)

  • I sleep very well in my quietsching Bettgestell! But today in dieser Nacht ist der Scheiß halt zamgekracht!! I hope dass des dir net passiert und dass mein englisch better wird!!! :-D Liebe Grüße das Sandmännchen!! :-D

  • I was sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell and in the middl of the Nacht the Bettgestell has zusammengebrochen...I hope that this will never happen nochmal and that my Englisch better wird :D

  • What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence. (Samuel Johnson)

  • I hope you´re not colourblind, because I'm colourfull.. :D
  • Love me always, love me ever, and I hope you forget me never.. ♥ *__*

  • Was ist der Unterschied zwischen den USA und Deutschland? Die USA haben einen Präsidenten Georg Bush, einen Stevie Wonder, einen Bob Hope und einen Jonny Cash. Deutschland hat einen Kanzler Gerhard Schröder, aber 'No Cash', 'No Hope' und 'No Wonder'

  • I speak english very well in my quitschie betgestell but today in dieser nacht ist das scheissteil zammgekracht now i hope das dir das net passiert und my englisch better wird

  • You are my sunschine,and I hope you never let go.......=) <---But it´s sure???---<
  • your hope your dream your everithing : ) ♥

  • Learn from yesterday.Live for today.Hope for tomorrow.

  • Ein Super Englisch ;-) Gedicht: I was sleeping very well, in my quitsching Bettgestell. But in the middle of the Nacht is that scheißteil eingekracht!!! I hope that dir das nie passiert and that my English besser wird!!!

  • gebt in "google übersetzter...." i love my class! we are the best!! YOU are the best! i love you,guys! I miss you...ALL! You´re the best classmates,ever! Nobody can top you! I wished ,i´ll never lose you,i really hop, you all think so! and i hope you really liked the "Book"! I´ve just done it for you,because YOU are my V.I.P´s! I´m so glad,that you came to my difficult life,now it´s much stranger but that isn´t important..YOU or better WE are important.love you! ....ein und lacht was er übersetzt!!

  • I´m sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell. But today in dieser Nacht, is that Scheißteil zamgekracht. So I hope that dir das not passiert and that my Englisch better wird.

  • I was sleeping very well, in my quitschin Bettgestell. But in the muiddle of the nacht, is that Sch***ding eingekracht. I hope that you that not passiert, and that my English better wird.

  • when the world says. "Give up", Hope whispers "Try it one more time."

  • "In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope." - Michael Jackson

  • I will forgive, but I won´t forget, and I hope you know, you lost my respect

  • I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be. (Thomas Jefferson)

  • What I like about you, is that you're all mine treat me so fine, Hope we'll always gonna be this way Your eyes when you smile heal me inside And you always make a brighter day When you were all alone I'm down in the ground That's what I like about you and I gotta feeling I think you kind of like me too Sunrise Avenue - What I like about you *-*

  • When the World says: "Give up!", the Hope whispers: "Try it one more time!" ♥

  • Boy: Baby, we need to talk.Girl: Ricardo, what do you mean? Boy: Something has come up... Girl: What? What's wrong? Is it bad? Boy: I don't want to hurt you, baby. Girl: *Thinks* Oh my God, I hope he doesn't break up with me... I love him so much. Boy: Baby, are you there? Girl: Yeah, I'm here. What is so important? Boy: I'm not sure if I should say it.. Girl: Well, you already brought it up, so please just tell me. Boy: I'm leaving.. Girl: Baby, what are you talking about? I don't want you to leave me, I love you. Boy: Not like that, I mean I'm moving far away. Girl: Why? All of your family lives over here. Boy: Well, my father is sending me away to a boarding school far away. Girl: I can't believe this. Father: (Picks up the other phone, interrupts & yells furiously) ERICA! What did I tell you about talking to boys?! Get off the damn phone! (And hangs up) Boy: Wow, your father sounds really mad. Girl: You know how he gets, but anyways, I don't want you to go. Boy: Would you run away with me? Girl: Baby, you know I would, I would do anything for you, but I can't... You don't know what would happen if I did. My dad would kill me! Boy: *Sad* It's okay.. I understand, I guess.. Girl: *Thinking* I can't believe what's going on. Boy: I need to give you something tonight, because I am leaving on flight 1-80 in the morning, so I need to see you now. Girl: Okay, I will sneak out & meet you at the park. Boy: Okay, I'll meet you there in 20 minutes. (They meet at a nearby park, they both hug each other. And he gives her a note.) Boy: Here you go, this is for you. I gotta go. Girl: *Tear* (Begins to cry.) Boy: Baby, don't cry, you know I love you... But I have to go. Girl: Okay (Begins to walk away.) (They both go back home. And Erica begins to read the letter he gave her) It says... "Erica, You probably already know that I'm leaving, I knew this would be better if I wrote a letter explaining the truth about how much I care about you. The truth is, is that I never loved you, I hated you so much, you are my bitch and don't you ever forget that. I never cared about you, and never wanted to talk to you, and be around you. You really have no clue how much I hate you. Now that I'm leaving I thought you should know that I hate you, bitch. You never did the right thing, and you were never there. I didn't think I could hate someone as much as I hate you. And I never want to see you, for the rest of my life, I will never miss kissing you like before, I never want to cuddle up, how we used to. I will not miss you and that's a promise. You never had my love, and I want you to remember that. Bitch, you keep this letter because this may be the last thing you have from me. Fuck, I hate you so much. I will not talk to you soon bitch... Goodbye. - Ricardo" ( Erica begins to cry, she throws the paper in the garbage & cries for hours. ) ... A day passes, she is sad, depressed and she feels so lonely... Then she gets a phone call....Friend: How are you feeling? Girl: I just cant believe this happened.. I thought he loved me. Friend: Oh, about that. Ricardo left me a message. A few days ago. He told me to tell you to look in your jacket pocket or something... Girl: Umm.. okay. (She finds a piece of paper in the jacket.) It says: "Baby I hope you find this before you read my letter. I knew your dad might read it, so I switched a few words... Hate = Love Never = Always Bitch = Baby Will not = will .... I hope you didn't take that seriously because I love you with all my heart, and it was so hard to let you go thats why I wanted you to run away with me... -Ricardo" Girl: Oh my God! It's a letter.. Ricardo does love me! He must of slipped it into my pocket when he hugged me. I can't believe how stupid I am! ( Erica turns the TV on. ) [Breaking news] "An airplane has crashed. Over 47 young boys died, we are still searching for survivors... This is a tragedy we will never forget, this plane was flight 1-80... it was on its way to an all boys boarding school..." the Reporter says. ( She turns off the t.v. ... 3 days later, she kills herself, because of the fact that Ricardo was dead & she had nothing to live for... ) ... A day after that the phone rings. Nobody answers. It was Ricardo, he called to leave a message. "Its Ricardo, I guess you're not home so, I called to let you know that I'm alive, I missed my flight because I had to see you one last time. So, I hope your not worried. I am staying for good.

  • If I sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell, but in the middle of the night is thet scheiß Teil eingekracht. I hope thet dir das nie passiert and thet my engish better wird

Hope Sprüche als Bilder!

Viele Hope Spruchbilder, tolle kostenlose Hopebilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!
I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell, but today in dies
I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell,
but today in dieser Nacht
is that Scheisteil zamgekracht,
so I hope that dir das not passiert and that my English better wird.
When the snow falls wunderbar
and the chlidren happy are,
when the Glatteis on the street
and we all a Glühwein need,
then you know es ist soweit:
she is here, the Weihnachtszeit.
Every parkhaus is besetzt,
weil die...
Ein super Englisch Gedicht: I was sleeping very well, in my quietsching
Ein super Englisch Gedicht:
I was sleeping very well,
in my quietsching Bettgestell.
But in the middle of the Nacht,
is that Scheißteil eingekracht!
I hope that dir that nie passiert,
and that my Englisch better wird.
ii was sleepy very well in my quietschi bettgestell. but in the middle o
ii was sleepy very well in my quietschi bettgestell.
but in the middle of the nacht is it dann zusammengekracht.
i hope that this will never passiert and that my english better wird. ;)
I was sleeping very well in my quitschi Bettgestell but in the middle of
I was sleeping very well in my quitschi Bettgestell
but in the middle off the Nacht
is it dan zusamm gekracht.
So I hope that dir das not passiert
and that my englisch better wird
The old year is today vorbei, but the next comes eh morgen glei. I wish
The old year is today vorbei, but the next comes eh morgen glei. I wish a super Rutsch to you, but I hope you don´t schütt you recht zu!
denglisch ;D i am sleepin very well in my quietsching bettgestell. but t
denglisch ;D
i am sleepin very well in my quietsching bettgestell. but today in dieser nacht is that scheißtiel zamgekracht. so i hope that dir not passiert and my english better wird. 
I was sleeping very well in my quitschi Bettgestell, but in the middle o
I was sleeping very well in my quitschi Bettgestell,
but in the middle of the Nacht is es dann zusammgekracht. I hope that you das nicht passiert and that my english better wird! ;D
Brief eines Bayern an die NASA ... Greet God, I write you, because you
Brief eines Bayern an die NASA ...
  Greet God, I write you, because you must help me. I have seen your
Space Shuttle in the television. And so came me the idea to make
holidays in the world-room. Alone. Without my crazy wife. I am the
Kraxlhuber. The King of Bavaria was my clock-clock grandfather. I
stand on a very bad foot with my wife. Always she shouts with me.
She has a shrill voice like a...
i was sleeping very well, in my quetsching bettgestell. But in the middl
i was sleeping very well, in my quetsching bettgestell.
But in the middle of the nacht, that shitting is together gekracht. I hope that dir das nie passiert, and my englisch better wird! (:
....30 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope, now we hav
....30 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope, now we have no jobs, no cash and no hope!!!
Very geehrter Mister Facebook, One week ago have i scho probiert to erkl
Very geehrter Mister Facebook, One week ago have i scho probiert to erklär you, daß i find this ziemlich ooreidig, when you ollawei make a umanander wursteling in my Seit'n. I have gmoant, that you host mi net verstanden, because i was writing in boarisch. Drum i will try it heit noamoi in your Sprach! Do your dahaude Sausage- finger out of mei Profilse...it'n, because i will become stocknarris...
The USA have: -Barack Obama -Stevie Wonder -Bob Hope -Johnny Cash We hav
The USA have: -Barack Obama -Stevie Wonder -Bob Hope -Johnny Cash We have: -Angela Merkel -No Wonder -No Hope -No Cash
Advent, my english brennt Do you speak English? -Me not.... =) I am sl
Advent, my english brennt 
Do you speak English? -Me not.... =) 
I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell.
But today in dieser Nacht,
is that Scheißteil zamgekracht.
So I hope that dir das not passiert and that my Englisch better wird. 
When the snow falls wunderbar
And the children happy are,
When the Glatteis on the street,
And we all a Gluehwein need,
Then you know, es ist sowei...
Ten years ago we had Steve Jobs Bob Hope and Jonny Cash. Now we have no
Ten years ago we had
Steve Jobs
Bob Hope
and Jonny Cash.
Now we have
no Jobs
no Hope
and no Cash.
The USA have: Barack Obama, Steve Wonder, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. We h
The USA have: Barack Obama, Steve Wonder, Bob Hope and Johnny Cash. We have: Angela Merkel, no Wonder, no Hope and no Cash.
I am sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell. But today in diese
I am sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell.
But today in dieser Nacht is that Scheißteil zusammengekracht. I hope that dir das nicht passiert and that my English better wird.
I was sleeping very well, in my quietsching Bettgestell. But in the mitt
I was sleeping very well,
in my quietsching Bettgestell.
But in the mitte of the Nacht,
is the Scheißdreck eingekracht.
I hope that you not that passiert,
and that my english better wird.
drücke auf "Gefällt mir" wenn du genauso gut Englisch kannst ;D
I was sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell ;) Doch in the mi
I was sleeping very well
in my quietsching Bettgestell ;)
Doch in the middle of the Nacht
the Bettgestell has zusammen'kracht ;)
i hope that you that nie passiert
and that my englisch better wird ;))
I´m sleeping verry well, in my quietsching bettgestell. But in the middl
I´m sleeping verry well, in my quietsching bettgestell. But in the middle of the Nacht is das scheissding eingekracht. I hope das dir das not passiert und that my English better wird ;DD
i was sleeping very well in my quitsching bettgestell... but today in di
i was sleeping very well in my quitsching bettgestell... but today in dieser nacht is that scheißteil zamgekracht... so i hope that dir das not passiert and that my englisch better wird :) ♥
I was sleeping very well in my quitsching bettgestell, but in the middle
I was sleeping very well in my quitsching bettgestell,
but in the middle of the nacht
is that scheißteil eingekracht!!!!!!!!
I hope that dir das nie passiert,
and that my English besser wird
I cannot believe that you are mine. I hope it isn't just a dream. But wh
I cannot believe that you are mine.
I hope it isn't just a dream.
But when you' re with me, when you kiss me,
I realize, that's just a wonderful live! ♥
I am sleeping very well, in my quitsching bettgestell, but today in dies
I am sleeping very well,
in my quitsching bettgestell,
but today in dieser Nacht,
is that scheißteil zamgekracht!
So I hope that dir das ned passiert,
and that my English better wird.
i am sleeping very welll. in my quietsching bettgestell. but today in th
i am sleeping very welll.
in my quietsching bettgestell.
but today in the nacht.
is that scheissteil zusammengekracht.
 i hope that dir das not passiert.
and dät my english better wird.
Wenn du es verstanden hast, Like es ;D
i was sleeping very well in mei knitsching bettggestell in de midle of t
i was sleeping very well in mei knitsching bettggestell in de midle of the nacht mei bettgeschtell hats zusammen gekracht.        i hope that you that nie passiert und das mei english better wird
I was sleeping very well, in my quietsching Bettgestell. But in the midd
I was sleeping very well,
in my quietsching Bettgestell.
But in the middle of the Nacht,
is that Scheißteil eingekracht.
I hope that dir das nie passiert,
and that my English besser wird. :D
Ein Schwarzer und ein Weißer stehen nebeneinander an den Stehklo's. Der
Ein Schwarzer und ein Weißer stehen nebeneinander an den Stehklo's.
Der Schwarze fragt den Weißen was das auftätowierte
"MY" auf seinem Penis bedeutet.
"Wenn er errigiert ist steht da Marry", sagt der Weiße "Was bedeutet das "MY" auf deinem Penis? "
Der Schwarze antwortet: "Wenn meiner errigiert ist steht da "Welcome to Massachusetts, I hope you enjoyed the fly"
amerika has: -barak obama -stevie wonder -jhonny cash -bob hope we have:
amerika has:
-barak obama
-stevie wonder
-jhonny cash
-bob hope
we have:
-angela merkel
-no wonder
-no cash
-no hope
i was sleeping very well in my sleeping bettgestell but in the middle of
i was sleeping very well in my sleeping bettgestell but in the middle of the nacht is the kistn zamen kracht , i hope that you that nie passiert and that my english besser wird ;D
I was sleeping very well, in my quitsching Bettgestell. But in the middl
I was sleeping very well,
in my quitsching Bettgestell.
But in the middle of the Nacht,
ist das Scheißteil zamgekracht!
I hope that you das nie passiert,
and that my englisch better wird!
Thinking of you, werever you are. We pray for our sorrows end and hope,
Thinking of you, werever you are.
We pray for our sorrows end and hope,
that our hearts will blend.
Now I step forwart to realize this wish.
But who knows?
Starting a new journey may not be so hart,
or maybe, it has already begun.
There are many worlds, but they share the same sky.
One sky.
One destiny.
ich : kenste den ; when you go me on the nerven , i steck you in the gul
ich : kenste den ; when you go me on the nerven , i steck you in the gullideckel and i hope that you never come back to the tageslicht.
krisi : kennste den ; aaah , mein rücken tut weh.
When the world says, " Give up ", hope whispers, " Try it one more time
When the world says, " Give up ",
hope whispers, " Try it one more time " ♥
the old year is today vorbei, but the next comes eh morgn glei. I wish a
the old year is today vorbei, but the next comes eh morgn glei. I wish a superrutsch to you und hope you don't schüt you recht zu :D
I was sleeping very well in my quitsching bettgestell. But in the middle
I was sleeping very well
in my quitsching bettgestell.
But in the middle of the nacht
my bettgestell was zamgekracht.
I hope trhat dir this nie passiert
und thath my english better wird !!xD
Love is hope.. Love is luck.. Love take people back to life.. You see..
Love is hope..
Love is luck..
Love take people back to life..
You see.. Love is beautiful:)♥♥
I was sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell, but in the middle
I was sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell, but in the middle of the Nacht, my Bettgestell is zammgekracht. I hope that you das nie passiert and that my English better wird....
I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell. But today in dies
I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell.
But today in dieser Nacht,
is that Scheißteil zamgekracht.
So I hope that dir das not passiert and that my Englisch better wird.
tonight i m sleeping very welll. in my quietsching bettgestell. but toda
tonight i m sleeping very welll.
in my quietsching bettgestell.
but today in the nacht.
is that scheissteil zusammengekracht.
so i hope that dir das not passiert.
and das my english better wird.
Wenn du es verstanden hast, Like es ;D
I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell, but today in dies
I am sleeping very well in my quietsching Bettgestell, but today in dieser Nacht is that Scheißteil zaumgekracht!!! :(
I hope that you des ned passiert and that my Englisch better wird!!
I am sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell. But today in diese
I am sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell.
But today in dieser Nacht is that Scheissding zam gekracht.
So i hope that dir not passiert and my english better wird.
Brief eines Bayern an die NASA
Die USA hat: Barack Obama Stevie Wonder Bob Hope Johnny Cash Deutschland
Die USA hat:
Barack Obama
Stevie Wonder
Bob Hope
Johnny Cash
Deutschland hat:
Angela Merkel
No Wonder
No Hope
No Cash
I was sleeping very well in mei sleeping bettgestell, but in de middle o
I was sleeping very well in mei sleeping bettgestell, but in de middle of the nacht has de bettgestell zamgekracht, I hope that you that nie passiert and that my englisch-speak better wird..
I am sleeping very well, in my quietsching Bettgestell. But today in die
I am sleeping very well,
in my quietsching Bettgestell.
But today in dieser Nacht,
is that Scheißteil zamgekracht.
So I hope that dir das not passiert,
and that my Englisch better wird xDDD
I´m sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell. But in the middle o
I´m sleeping very well in my quitsching Bettgestell. But in the middle of the Nacht, ist es dann zusammgekracht. I hope that is you not passiert and that my english better wird!! :D
hahha :D
When my friend doesn't come to school: 5% - "I hope they're ok"
When my friend doesn't come to school:
5% - "I hope they're ok"
I am sleeping very well, in my quitsching bettgestel. But today in diese
I am sleeping very well, in my quitsching bettgestel. But today in dieser Nacht is that scheiß teil zamgegracht. So i hope that dir das not passiert and my english besser wird. ;DDD
It´s december and I´ll be missin you. Christmastime come and make my wis
It´s december and I´ll be missin you. Christmastime come and make my wish come true. I remember all the happy times with you. Make my wish, and hope this year my gift is you
I hope you're doing fine out there without me, cause I'm doing fine with
I hope you're doing fine out there without me, cause I'm doing fine without you :)


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