Future Sprüche

Die 30 besten Sprüche über Future!

Egal ob lustige Futuresprüche oder Sprüche zum Thema Future zum Nachdenken, hier werden Sie garantiert fündig. Entdecken Sie jetzt tolle Futuresprüche sowie schöne Futurespruchbilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!

  • maybe it's better to forget about the past - live in the present & don't care about the future (: <3
  • Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful. ♥

  • Im Englischunterricht schreibt die Lehrerin "Future" auf die Tafel. Ein Schüler zeigt auf und meint: "Frau Lehrerin Sie haben ein "h" bei "Future" vergessen!" (Futhure) :)

  • Girl : Ok, I have a question for you. Boy : Alright, ask me. Girl : What do you see when you look into my eyes? Boy : Do you honestly wanna know ? Girl : Yes. Boy : My future! ♥

  • you wanna know something? Every now and then say, "What the fuck." "What the fuck" gives you freedom. Freedom brings opportunity. Opportunity makes your future. quote risky business

  • 40 Gründe, warum es besser ist, eine Frau zu sein 1. wir während einer Massage keine Erektion bekommen; 2. wir mit 30 noch alle Haare auf dem Kopf haben; 3. wir statistisch gesehen viel weniger bei Affären erwischt werden; 4. wir neben dem IQ auch einen EQ (emotionalen Quotienten) haben und ihn im Job auch einsetzen; 5. wir mehr als nur eine erogene Zone haben; 6. wir immer können, wenn wir wollen; 7. wir sooft können, wie wir wollen; 8. wir zwar langsam, dafür aber gewaltig kommen; 9. wir mit jedem Schuß auch noch geballte Energie tanken; 10. wir sozial veranlagt sind – wir stärken das Selbstbewusstsein der Männer, wenn wir sie bitten, das Warndreieck aufzustellen; 11. wir bei Schiffsunglücken als erstes gerettet werden; 12. es cool ist, ein Papa-Mädchen zu sein – Mamasöhne sind weinerliche Memmen; 13. Nagellack nur bei Frauen gut aussieht; 14. wir Kleider, Minis und Hosen anziehen können – Männer haben die Auswahl zwischen Hosen uns Schottenröcken; 15. Männer immer noch glauben, sie müssten unsere Rechnungen bezahlen – und wir das Gesparte dann in einen neuen Fummel investieren; 16. es Ricky Martin gibt; 17. wir in seinen ausgeleierten Sweatshirts genial aussehen – er in unseren engen T-Shirts dagegen wie Arnold Schwarzenegger im Strampelanzug; 18. wir letztlich entscheiden, wie viele Menschen im nächsten Jahrtausend geboren werden; 19. wir unseren Führerschein länger behalten – bei Fahrzeugkontrollen pressen wir immer eine Krokodilsträne raus; 20. Männer Rivaldo nur anhimmeln können – wir können theoretisch auch mit ihm ins Bett gehen; 21. wir die besten Zeiten noch vor uns haben – das neue Jahrtausend ist bekanntlich das der Frauen; 22. wir schwach werden dürfen – damit der uns auf Händen oder einfach nur unsere Tasche trägt; 23. wir einen Ring geschenkt bekommen, wenn wir gefragt werden, ob wir heiraten wollen (und den könne wir später wieder verkaufen.); 24. wir nicht warten, bis dass der Tod uns scheidet, sondern vorher merken, wenn sich die Partnerschaft totgelaufen hat; 25. wir die Männerwelt immer noch begeistern oder schockieren, wenn wir gut sind in Sportarten wie Kickboxen, Fußball oder Freeclimbing; 26. Männer früher sterben und wir die Lebensversicherung kassieren; 27. Frauen früher betrunken werden – das entlastet den Etat; 28. wir so tun können als seien wir schwanger – und so immer einen Sitzplatz und die nötige Beachtung bekommen; 29. in Frauenzeitschriften bessere Probepackungen kleben; 30. es keinesfalls unser soziales oder intellektuelles Ansehen schmälert, wenn wir ein Abseits nicht sofort erkennen – tun wir es doch, gelten wir gleich als Fachfrau; 31. wir unsere Augenbrauen unter Kontrolle haben (im Gegensatz zu Theo Waigel); 32. Kommunikation im Job für uns kein soziologischer Begriff ist – wir tun’s; 33. „The future if Rock belongs to women“ (Kurt Cobain, 1994); 34. wir wissen: Computerspiele machen Spaß – allerdings stellen wir keine Verbindung her zwischen dem Spielstand und unserer Potenz; 35. Taxis extra für uns halten; 36. es mehr Klasse hat einen Vibrator zu benutzen, als Sex mit einer Plastikpuppe zu haben; 37. wir Rosa tragen können und es sexy aussieht; 38. wir nie zu früh kommen; 39. wir keine Witze über blonde Männer machen; 40. Männer Schokolade niemals so innig genießen können wie wir.

  • A: Fire in the Hole!! B: Alter!! War das mein Hamster!? A: A Matter of Life and Death!! B: Geh mit der Gabel von der Steckdose weg!! A: Sexbomb! Sexbomb! B: Alter du machst mein AXE leer!! A: OMG Ich habe einen Klon!! B: Das ist ein Spiegel!! A: ich bin der Ghostrider!! B: Lass das Dreirad meiner Schwester!! A: Ich bin Aeolus, der Gott der Winde!! B: Alter lass mein Föhn!! A: DIe EISZEIT kommt!! B: Alter mach den Kühlschrank zu!! A: Ich habe deinen Hamster fliegen bei gebracht!! B: Du hast ihn an ein Baloon gebunden!! A: ICh bin ein Hai! B: Das ist eine Irokese!! A: BACK TO THE FUTURE!! B: Alter du hast mich mit einem Geschichtsbuch abgeschossen!? A: Once you pop you can't stop! B: Hör auf mich mit Chips abzuschiessen!! A: Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan!! B: Alter lass meine Katze los!! A: You are hot and then you are cold!! B:Lass die Klimaanlage in ruhe!! A: I catch a granade for ya!! B: Alter schmeiß die Granate weg!! A: Gribeldigrabeldigru!! B: ALTER WAS MACHST DU DA!! A: Ich bin der König über das Internet!! B: Alter lass den Rooter... CCCCRRRRAAAAASSSSSHHHHHHVR

  • and please - never come back to me in the future - your time is up

  • The present is the state between the *good old time and the *nicer future*♥

  • On the first page of our story , the future seemed so bright . Then this thing turned out so evil , I don't know why , I'm still surprised . Even angels have theier wicked schemes , and you take that to new extremes . But you'll always be my HERO , even though you've lost your mind .
  • The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

  • miss Miss your laugh miss your smile miss your voice miss your eyes miss your breath miss your presence miss your skin miss your lips miss the music miss you in my life You were a part of my life Now you're gone forever and ever Yes, a long time did I feel good without you but now I miss you But anyway, we are here The past was the future will be And at some point, these words for another that I loved But anyway, at the moment I miss you, but you do not love me ... but another But I will be strong I will not break I will love again but then I love another by MAW

  • On the first page of uor story the future seems so bright then this thing turnt out so evil I don't no why I'm still surprised even Angels have their wicked schemes and you take that to mew extremes but you'll allways be my hero even thought you've lost your mind ♥♥♥ wers kennt liiken !! =)
  • A Friend is Someone who understands you past , belives in your future and accepts you today the way You Are !

  • Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful. ♥

  • Forget thepast the thing that matters is slowly the future..shit happens..life is going on.! ♥

  • On the first page of our story, the future seems so bright.
  • The reason why we're fighting wars is love to our families, duty to our fatherland and hope in future.

  • "Because you used modified data to connect online, you're now banned. The ban will be lifted at 22:49 on 12/12/9999. In the future, if you violate the terms of service, it is possible that you will be banned for good."
  • On the first page of our story the future seemed so bright .♥
  • I never think of the future - it comes soon enough. (Albert Einstein)

  • We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future. (Joseph Joubert)

  • "Don't care about the people in the past! There is a reason why they didn't get into your future..."

  • I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. (Thomas Jefferson)

  • The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time. (Abraham Lincoln)

  • He met her after a long break up. He told her : Sorry, I've met a new one, I have a new girlfriend and another future.. How about your life? She closed her eyes to hide her tears, Remembered all the memories she shared with him, She remembered how she shared his pain before his happy moments and how she refused many other boys just to stay with him. She kept the remains of her pride and collected her force, smiled and said : Sorry Sir, but do i know you ?

  • A: "Fuck the future" B: "Alta, hör auf meinen roboter zu vögeln!"
  • A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future and accept you today the way you are!

  • 1 Litre of Tears quotes “I really don’t want to say things such as ‘I want to go back as how things were before.’ I recognize how I am right now, and I will continue to live on.” – Aya “You’ve always encouraged me. You’ve listened to everything I couldn’t tell anyone else. When I was down, you made me laugh. You were always near me. Whenever I was in pain, you were always with me. Arigatou Asou-kun.” – Aya “Suffer and suffer through, and there’s a rainbow colored happiness waiting on the other side. Do not rush it; do not be greedy. Don’t give up, because everybody takes a step at a time. It didn’t matter how insignificant, but I wanted to be useful to others.” – Aya “Live on. Live on forever.” – Aya “As I think about the past, the tears will come out. Reality is too cruel, too brutal. I don’t even have the right to dream. As I think about the future, the tears will come out again.” – Aya “It’s painful when I’m with you, wanting to do this and that. When I’m with you, I keep dreaming a dream that would never come true…” – Aya “What’s wrong with falling down? You can always stand up again. If you look up at the sky after falling down, the blue sky is also today stretching limitlessly and smiles at me… I’m alive.” – Aya “Without hurrying, let’s challenge many things, or be absorbed in doing something. Doing silly things together won’t be such a bad idea, I think, because we all still have plenty of time from now.” – Aya “Even now… sometimes… I want to hear her voice so badly.” – Haruto “I want to accept the me right now. And live on. Although I will always be hurt by those heartless glances, but also at the same time I understand that gentle glances exist. Even though it’s like this I still want to be here. Because here is, the place that I exist. What’s wrong with falling down? Because as long as I stand back up again it’ll be just fine. If you look up at the sky after falling down. The blue sky is also today, stretching timelessly and smiles at me. People shouldn’t dwell on the past. It’s enough to try your best for all that your doing now. Mother, will I…. be able to get married? Thank you.” – Aya “What’s wrong with falling down when you can always stand up?” – Aya “If you feel frustrated, do something about it!” – Aya “People shouldn’t dwell on the past. It’s enough to try your best in all that you’re doing now.” – Aya

  • Raising a toast to the memories of the past and the adventures that await in the future. Happy New Year!

Future Sprüche als Bilder!

Viele Future Spruchbilder, tolle kostenlose Futurebilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!
maybe it's better to forget about the past - live in the present & don't
maybe it's better to forget about the past - live in the present & don't care about the future (:
Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it ha
Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful. ♥
Im Englischunterricht schreibt die Lehrerin "Future" auf die Tafel. Ein
Im Englischunterricht schreibt die Lehrerin "Future" auf die Tafel. Ein Schüler zeigt auf und meint: "Frau Lehrerin Sie haben ein "h" bei "Future" vergessen!"   (Futhure) :)
Girl : Ok, I have a question for you. Boy : Alright, ask me. Girl : W
Girl  : Ok, I have a question for you.
Boy  : Alright, ask me.
Girl  : What do you see when you look into my eyes?
Boy  : Do you honestly wanna know ?
Girl  : Yes.
Boy  : My future! ♥
you wanna know something? Every now and then say, "What the fuck." "What
you wanna know something? Every now and then say, "What the fuck." "What the fuck" gives you freedom. Freedom brings opportunity. Opportunity makes your future. quote risky business
40 Gründe, warum es besser ist, eine Frau zu sein 1. wir während einer M
40 Gründe, warum es besser ist, eine Frau zu sein
1. wir während einer Massage keine Erektion bekommen;
2. wir mit 30 noch alle Haare auf dem Kopf haben;
3. wir statistisch gesehen viel weniger bei Affären erwischt werden;
4. wir neben dem IQ auch einen EQ (emotionalen Quotienten) haben und ihn im Job auch einsetzen;
5. wir mehr als nur eine erogene Zone haben;
6. wir immer können, wenn wir wol...
A: Fire in the Hole!! B: Alter!! War das mein Hamster!? A: A Matter of L
A: Fire in the Hole!!
B: Alter!! War das mein Hamster!?
A: A Matter of Life and Death!!
B: Geh mit der Gabel von der Steckdose weg!!
A: Sexbomb! Sexbomb!
B: Alter du machst mein AXE leer!!
A: OMG Ich habe einen Klon!!
B: Das ist ein Spiegel!!
A: ich bin der Ghostrider!!
B: Lass das Dreirad meiner Schwester!!
A: Ich bin Aeolus, der Gott der Winde!!
B: Alter lass mein Föhn!!
A: DIe EISZEIT kommt!...
and please - never come back to me in the future - your time is up
and please - never come back to me in the future - your time is up
The present is the state between the *good old time and the *nicer futur
The present is the state between the *good old time and the *nicer future*♥
On the first page of our story , the future seemed so bright . Then this
On the first page of our story , the future seemed so bright . Then this thing turned out so evil , I don't know why , I'm still surprised . Even angels have theier wicked schemes , and you take that to new extremes . But you'll always be my HERO , even though you've lost your mind .
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
miss Miss your laugh miss your smile miss your voice miss your eyes miss
Miss your laugh
miss your smile
miss your voice
miss your eyes
miss your breath
miss your presence
miss your skin
miss your lips
miss the music
miss you in my life
You were a part of my life
Now you're gone
forever and ever
Yes, a long time did I feel good without you
but now I miss you
But anyway, we are here
The past was
the future will be
And at some point, these words for another that ...
On the first page of uor story the future seems so bright then this thin
On the first page of uor story
the future seems so bright
then this thing turnt out so evil
I don't no why I'm still surprised
even Angels have
their wicked schemes
and you take that to mew extremes
but you'll  allways be my hero
even thought you've lost your mind
♥♥♥ wers kennt liiken !! =)
A Friend is Someone who understands you past , belives in your future an
A Friend is Someone who understands you past , belives in your future and accepts you today the way You Are !
Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it ha
Don't cry over the past, it's gone.
Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived.
Live in the present and make it beautiful. ♥
Forget thepast the thing that matters is slowly the future..shit happens
Forget thepast the thing that matters is slowly the future..shit happens..life is going on.! ♥
On the first page of our story, the future seems so bright.
On the first page of our story, the future seems so bright.
The reason why we're fighting wars is love to our families, duty to our
The reason why we're fighting wars is love to our families, duty to our fatherland and  hope in future.
"Don't care about the people in the past! There is a reason why they did
"Don't care about the people in the past! There is a reason why they didn't get into your future..."
"Because you used modified data to connect online, you're now banned. Th
"Because you used modified data to connect online, you're now banned. The ban will be lifted at 22:49 on 12/12/9999. In the future, if you violate the terms of service, it is possible that you will be banned for good."
On the first page of our story the future seemed so bright .♥
On the first page of our story the future seemed so bright .♥
I never think of the future - it comes soon enough. (Albert Einstein)
I never think of the future - it comes soon enough. (Albert Einstein)
We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provid
We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future. (Joseph Joubert)
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. (Th
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. (Thomas Jefferson)
The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time. (Abr
The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time. (Abraham Lincoln)
He met her after a long break up. He told her : Sorry, I've met a new on
He met her after a long break up.
He told her : Sorry, I've met a new one, I have a new girlfriend and another future..
How about your life?
She closed her eyes to hide her tears, Remembered all the memories she shared with him, She remembered how she shared his pain before his happy moments and how she refused many other boys just to stay with him.
She kept the remains of her pride and collect...
A: "Fuck the future" B: "Alta, hör auf meinen roboter zu vögeln!"
A: "Fuck the future"
B: "Alta, hör auf meinen roboter zu vögeln!"
A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future a
A friend is someone who
understands your past,
believes in your future
and accept you today the way you are!
1 Litre of Tears quotes “I really don’t want to say things such as ‘I wa
1 Litre of Tears quotes
“I really don’t want to say things such as ‘I want to go back as how things were before.’ I recognize how I am right now, and I will continue to live on.” – Aya
“You’ve always encouraged me. You’ve listened to everything I couldn’t tell anyone else. When I was down, you made me laugh. You were always near me. Whenever I was in pain, you were always with me. Arigatou Asou...
Raising a toast to the memories of the past and the adventures that awai
Raising a toast to the memories of the past and the adventures that await in the future. Happy New Year!

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