Sickness Sprüche
Die 3 besten Sprüche über Sickness!
Egal ob lustige Sicknesssprüche oder Sprüche zum Thema Sickness zum Nachdenken, hier werden Sie garantiert fündig. Entdecken Sie jetzt tolle Sicknesssprüche sowie schöne Sicknessspruchbilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!Lost your pen = No pen No pen = No notes No notes = No study No study = Fail Fail = No diploma No diploma = No work No work = No money No money = No food No food = You get skinny You get skinny = Then you get ugly Ugly = No love No love = No marriage No marriage = No children No children = Alone Alone = Depression Depression = Sickness Sickness = Death lesson: dont lose your pen..or you will die ;D
Our flag: █ ♥ █ Our President: Justin Drew Bieber. Our country: Bieberland Our town: Bieberville Our Language: Bieberish ...Our track: U Smile Our motto: Never Say Never Our name: Beliebers Our World: My World 2.O Our disease: Bieberfever Our money: [̅ $ ̅ (̅̅ נ в̅ ) $ ] Our National Anthem: sexy lips, dirty hips, nice ass, high class, sexy smile, BIEBER style
"We're all walking around with these glossy eyes. 'I'm just tired,' we say. But you know what? It's bullshit. Yes, we are tired, but it's not all from lack of sleep. We are tired of waking up with nothing to look forward to, tired of going to bed exhausted after doing a million things we find no enjoyment in doing. We're tired of this void, this emptiness that looms over us even though our days are packed. We're tired of the loneliness that presses down on us even though we're surrounded by dozens of people. So why can't we just say it? Humans are so afraid to look into each other's eyes and say, 'I am unhappy, I am broken, I am hopeless and fallible.' We've been conditioned to associate pain with weakness, sadness with coldness, loneliness with unworthiness, difference with disease, as if these feelings are contagious, as if ambivalence is something not to be felt but to be feared. Well, I say screw all of that. Screw forced smiles and polite handshakes and I'm fine, thank yous. Screw the fear of crying in a public place, screw the fake chipper voice, screw the lies we spit out to cover up our problems. We are humans. We are meant to feel. To feel everything and to feel it all openly. We are not metal—we are flesh and bone. Our boild blood courses through our cold, clammy hands. We are intricate and beautiful and we should never hide our human parts, because if we do, then what's left to show?"