Change Sprüche
Die 100 besten Sprüche über Change!
Egal ob lustige Changesprüche oder Sprüche zum Thema Change zum Nachdenken, hier werden Sie garantiert fündig. Entdecken Sie jetzt tolle Changesprüche sowie schöne Changespruchbilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!ein perfekter junge ist : wenn er dich beim küssen an der hüfte packt und an die wand drückt. wenn er vor seinen freunden seinen arm um dich legt. wenn er sich sanft auf dich legt und sagt " ich liebe dich über alles, süsse " wenn er dir deine hand gibt. wenn du in seinen pullover rumrennst. wenn er zu seinen freunden sagt " seht ihr, das ist mein mädchen " wenn ich in seinen armen einschlafen kann und wieder aufwache. wenn er mich von hinten umarmt und sagt " ich lass dich nie wieder los " wenn er dich voller sehensucht am hals küsst. wenn ihr im kino sitzt und er dich küsst. wenn er dich in seinen händen in sein zimmer trägt, dich langsam auf sein bett fallen lässt und er sich auf dich legt und ihr euch küsst. wenn er dir beim reden in die augen sieht. wenn er beim küssen seine hände an der hüfte oder hintern hat. wenn er dich auf seinen schoss hält und du richtig kuscheln kannst. wenn er dich mit einen anderen jungen sieht, und er totoal eifersüchtig wird und auf ihn zu geht und sagt " wenn du noch einmal mein mädchen anfasst, dann wachst du nicht mehr soo schnell auf !" wenn er um dich kämpft. wenn er nach einem streit mit blumen vor deiner haustür steht und fragt " gibst du mir noch eine change ?" das wäre der perfekt junge und jeder wunsch eines mädchens !!
Ich sitze alleine draussen im dunkel und denke über mein Leben nach. Es macht mich traurig weil ich merke, dass mein Leben leer ist. Einfach nur leer. Ich schäme mich! Betrachte meine Narben und merke, dass mein Leben doch nicht leer ist. Es ist erfüllt von Schmerz. Schmerz der mich umbringt. Der mir keine Change zum Leben gibt. Sitze hier im dunkeln, allein. Und weiss, hier werde ich irgendwann sterben, alleine im dunkeln!!
use your smile to change the world, don't let the world change your smile !
People change. Things go wrong. Shit happens. Life goes on :)
- wenn du glaubst du kannst MICH verarschen Blondiinchen dann geh ham wei du host KEINE CHANGE gegen mich ! GAME OVER DU OPFER ! du machst MICH NUR STÄRKER DAMIT ! du wirst noch staunen was passieren wird verdammt was hoffst du eigentlich muhahahahahahahahahahaha*
Am Morgen nach einem One-Night Stand:Frau: GUTEN MORGEN; GUTEN MORGEN SONNENSCHEIN!Mann: HELLO, DO YOU REMEMBER? Frau: Na klar, Memories ♥ Mann: What's my name? Frau: Pietro Lombardi Call my name. Mann: Barbra Streisand! Frau: What the hell? Mann: When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are Frau: I love the way you lie. wer's versteht daumen hoch, auch wers nicht versteht :DDD
You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She’s not perfect - you aren’t either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and don’t expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there. [Bob Marley]
- When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are ♥
- I've learned that things change, people change, and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up. It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories. Letting go doesn't mean giving up... it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.
- When I see your face! Theres nothing I would change cause your amazing, just the way you are! ♥
- some things will never change although they have changed you
- when I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change. cause you're amazing ♥
- When I see your face, there's EVERYTHiNG that I wouLd change :P
Oh her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shining Her hair, her hair Falls perfectly without her trying She's so beautiful And I tell her every day Yeah I know, I know When I compliment her She wont believe me And its so, its so Sad to think she don't see what I see But every time she asks me do I look okay I say When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and stares for awhile Cause girl you're amazing Just the way you are Her nails, her nails I could kiss them all day if she'd let me Her laugh, her laugh She hates but I think its so sexy She's so beautiful And I tell her every day Oh you know, you know, you know Id never ask you to change If perfect is what you're searching for Then just stay the same So don't even bother asking If you look okay You know I say When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and stares for awhile Cause girl you're amazing Just the way you are The way you are The way you are Girl you're amazing Just the way you are When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and stares for awhile Cause girl you're amazing Just the way you are ♥
A: When I see your face... There's not a thing that I would change.. ! B: Alter, leg den Spiegel beiseite.. -.-' :D
He said: One day a man will come and you gotta change yourself for him. But I guess I´m not the one. She said: One day a man will come and he will love me like I am. I guess you're not the one. ;)
- 1. Go to Google Maps 2. Type in "Herman- Giest Stadium, Hazleton, PA" 3. Change to Satellite Mode and zoom in 4. Look carefully Please do, believe me worth it !
100 People i hate on Facebook: People who have the new profile People who still have the old profile People who are always on Facebook People who show up once a month and think they have the right to chime in People who check-in People who have a birthday today People who friend everybody People who only friend people they know well People who friend me. People who share their travel plans by listing the airport codes of the two cities separated by a little arrow. Goto —> hell People who think it's about the journey People who think "LOL!" counts as quality feedback People who think elaborating on a joke is the same as making a joke People who complain about their relationships People who try convince us their relationships are totally awesome People who change their relationship status before telling me their relationship status has changed People who "like" my wife (keep your thumbs-up away from my woman) People who announce they're going to be offline for awhile People who play Farmville People who complain about people who play Farmville without first seeing how irritating it is for themselves People you who regularly tag you in their photo albums when it's clearly a good photo of them and a bad photo of you People who share party photos with people who weren't invited to the party People who post personal messages publicly ("Great seeing you last night!") Attractive people who aggressively share photos People who post happy messages in the morning People who are selling something People who use Facebook to promote their company People who use it for personal reasons People who use it for political reasons People who are overly enthusiastic about my updates People who ignore my updates People who share articles I've already seen People who share articles I might have otherwise missed People who comment on the Facebook blurb about an article without actually reading the article People who never comment about anything People who post their tweets to Facebook People who focus on superficial things People who use Facebook to discus anything of meaning People who post mysterious status updates in an effort to get others to comment: "OMG, what do you mean? Everything OK?" People who comment: "OMG, what do you mean?" People who respond to rhetorical statements People who just changed their profile photo People who were hot as hell in seventh grade but who never share any current photos (and never apologize for ignoring you in Junior High) People who were ugly in junior high and resent those who at least were attractive for a while People who see child abuse as a serious problem and then who think: "Maybe a cartoon avatar would help?" People to whom I am clearly superior but who think I should make the first friending move Inferior People who dare to send a friend request People who in 2007 said, "Facebook has peaked, what's the next thing?" People who are too old for this stuff People who are too young for this stuff People who think they're the first ones to say, "I wish FB had a hate button." People who are overly nice People who share joy People who I've known since childhood People I just met. People who complain People with ugly kid photos People whose kids are more photogenic than mine People who try to chat even though we haven't seen each other for five years People who try to chat even though we talk everyday People who try to chat People who go offline when I try to chat with them People who poke me. People who wish me happy birthday on Facebook People who don't People who see you in person and then repeat the same story they already posted to Facebook and then just stand there until you say, "OK, like." People who post what they just ate or anything about their digestive system People who share their exercise routine People who share their schedule People who share People who try to be clever People who try to be funny People with the best of intentions People who are thoughtful People who type before thinking People who complain about changes made to Facebook People who passively agree to changes on Facebook People who refuse to use Facebook because everyone else is using it People who use the @ sign even though that only works on another site People who think "I made some changes to my profile page" is a valid answer to the question: "What did you do today?" People you don't know comment on photos of your family members People who ask favors People who share that they are sick, feel good, can't sleep or just woke up People who post about the weather People who mention anything related to Burning Man People who share stuff that everyone in the world has already seen, get no response, and then share it again People who aren't sure about a joke they want to make and so they preface it with: "Overheard:" People who use the phrase "note to self" anywhere other than in the silent privacy of their own mind People who write wonderful things about their new boyfriend even though we can all see that the dude is a chump and the same person will be writing terrible things about him in a few months and then expecting us to be surprised and supportive People who think mentioning something about Darfur is going to somehow benefit the People in Darfur because every little bit counts People who can't accept that not all cats are cute and/or interesting People who believe that you'll be happy about their good fortune People who are wildly uninteresting and painfully unfunny yet have a lot more friends than I do People who write the phrase: "Um...OK" People who post song lyrics People who share YouTube videos that have already been viewed 400 million times People who make snarky comments about Sarah Palin People who are Sarah Palin People who stay on Facebook even though they hate everyone on it People who use Friendster
Oh her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shining Her hair, her hair Falls perfectly without her trying She's so beautiful And I tell her every day Yeah I know, I know When I compliment her She wont believe me And its so, its so Sad to think she don't see what I see But every time she asks me do I look okay I say When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and stares for awhile Cause girl you're amazing Just the way you are Her nails, her nails I could kiss them all day if she'd let me Her laugh, her laugh She hates but I think its so sexy She's so beautiful And I tell her every day Oh you know, you know, you know Id never ask you to change If perfect is what you're searching for Then just stay the same So don't even bother asking If you look okay You know I say When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and stares for awhile Cause girl you're amazing Just the way you are The way you are The way you are Girl you're amazing Just the way you are When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and stares for awhile Cause girl you're amazing Just the way you are Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are. <3 *-*
When i see your Face, there's not a thing that i would change, just girl you amazing just the way you are ♥♥
- when i see your face, there´s not a thing that i would change. cause you're amazing, just the way you are :)
People change. Things go wrong. Shit happens. Life goes on.
- when I see your face, there are a lots of things I would change ;)
When I see your face there's not a thing that i would change 'cause you're amazing just the way you are and when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while 'cause BOY you're amazing just the way you are ♥
- When I see your face, there everything that i would change !
- "When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are OOCH WELCHES GIIRL WILL DAS NICHT VON BRUUNO MARS HÖÖREN...!♥♥♥
- when i see your face, there's not a thing that i would change.♥
Shoes can change your life. You don´t believe it? - Ask Cinderella! :)
- People change. Things go wrong. Shit happens. Just remember - Live goes on!!
- you change your mind - like a gilr changes her clothes ;)
- When I see your SHITface There's not a thing that I would change. !! Cause' Bitch you're so ugly! Just the way you are :DD Ist nicht als Verarschung des Liedes gemeint !
- when i see your face.. there's not a thing that i would change.. cause you're amazing - just the way you are ♥
- when I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change cause you're amaaazing, just the way you are <3
.. people change - things go wrong - just remember life goes on ! :)
Oh her eyes, her eyes Make the stars look like they're not shining Her hair, her hair is stinky with all her trying She's so awful And I tell her every day Yeah I know, I know When I compliment her She wont believe me And its so, its so Sad to think that she don't see what I see But every time she asks me do I look okay I say Chorus: When I see your face my middle finger starts to raise Cause you're so awful Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and cries for awhile Cause girl you're so awful Just the way you are Her lips, her lips i would spit on them if she let me Her laugh, her laugh She loves but i think whatever shes so ugly She's so awful And I tell her every day Oh you know, you know, you know Id always ask you to change If perfect's what you're searching for Then just go away So don't even bother asking If you look okay You know I say Chorus: When I see your face my middle finger starts to raise Cause you're so awful Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and cries for awhile Cause girl you're so awful Just the way you are The way you are The way you are Girl you're so awful Just the way you are When I see your face my middle finger starts to raise Cause you're so awful Just the way you are And when you smile, The whole world stops and cries for awhile Cause girl you're so awful Just the way you are
♫ Isn´t it amazing how music can change our mood...?? ♫ ♫
- when i see your face....there are 1 million things that i would change xD :]
When I see your Face...there's not a thing that I would change...'cause girl your'e amazing...just the way you are...x3
'shoes can change your life.. - ask cinderella ! (: '
Teacher: Where´s your homework? Me: Written in the stars T: How far is it? M: A million miles away T: What was your paper about? M: A message to the main T: You better change your attitude! M: The season comes and goooo, but i will NEVER change T: Go to the office !!! M: I´m on my waaayyyyyy :D Ps: das lied ist tinieh tempah- written in the stars =D
shoes can change your life. ask cinderella! ♥
Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining Her hair, her hair, falls perfectly without her trying She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day Yeah, I know, I know, when I compliment her she won't believe me And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see But every time she asks me, "Do I look okay?" I say When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing just the way you are And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile 'Cause girl you're amazing just the way you are, yeah Her lips, her lips, I could kiss them all day if she'd let me Her laugh, her laugh, she hates but I think it's so sexy She's so beautiful, and I tell her every day Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change If perfect's what you're searching for then just stay the same So don't even bother asking if you look okay, you know I'll say When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing just the way you are And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile 'Cause girl you're amazing just the way you are The way you are The way you are Girl you're amazing just the way you are When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing just the way you are And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile 'Cause girl you're amazing just the way you are, yeah
- When I see yOur faCe... there'S EVERYTHIING that I wOuLd chanGe... :'D
*The winner takes it all* and you are the *best thing i never had*.*When I look at you* *I just cant get enough*. *In your arms* denke ich *Lass mich nie mehr los* und *Sing me to sleep*. *It was love in this club* and you are *Mr.Saxobeat* I would *Set Fire to the Rain* *If i thought you'd ever change your mind* *Time to say goodbye*?
- ..when I see your face there's not a thing that would I change.. (:
- when i see your face, there're lots of things that i would change 'cause you're so uuuugly, just the way you are. ♥ ;D
- when i see your face, there are things that i would change :)
- When I see your face, there's just your nose that i would change, the rest is amazing just the way it is :D
People change; shit happens - just remember; Life goes on.
- Just know that these things will never Change for us at all ♥
Bissken Englisch:Teacher: Where´s your homework? Me: Written in the stars T: How far is it? M: A million miles away T: What was your paper about? M: A message to the main T: You better change your attitude! M: The season comes and goooo, but i will NEVER change T: Go to the office !!! M: I´m on my waaayyyyyy :D I ♥ Tinie Tempah SD
wenn du jemandem das herz brichst, aber diese person immernoch den anderen liebt, hatt diese person eine 2. change verdient
When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change, 'cause you're amazing, just the way you are. And when you smile, the whole world stops and stands for a while, 'cause you're amazing, just the way you are! ♡~*~♡~*~♡~*~♡~*~♡~*~♡~*~♡~*~♡
- When I see your face theres a lot of things that I would change cause you're so ugly......... :////
A: We can change the world! *.* B: Alter, hör auf, mit dem Edding meinen Globus vollzumalen! -.-
- Don't try to change me I am who I am.. and who I wanna be - Avril Lavigne ♥
- if i can change the alphapet i will put u and I togheter <3
People are People and sometimes we change our mind, but it's killing me to see you go after all this time!
Teacher:Where is your homework? Me:Written in the stars Teacher: Okay. Wait!?!?!, where??? Me: A million miles away. Teacher: What are you saying!?!?!? Me: A Message to the main. Teacher:Would you like summer school young man! Me: seasons come and go ;) Teacher:You will always be a terrible student won't you? Me: I will never change... Teacher:Go to the office mister! Me:I'm on my way Teacher: PUT THAT DAM iPOD AWAY!!!!!!! Me: Sorry, written in the stars is a awesome song
Teacher: "Where's your homework?''Student: "Written in the stars.'' Teacher: "And where's that?" Student: "A million miles away." Teacher: "And what is it about?" Student: "A message to the main." Teacher: "What? You're not making sense." Student: "Seasons come and go, but I will never change." Teacher: "GO THE THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!" Student: "And I'm on my way!"
people change. things go wrong. shit happens. but life goes on. ♥
- Poeple change. Things go wrong. Shit happens. Live goes on. (:
du sagtes du liebst mich....dennoch hast du mich betrogen du sagtest, du bereust es....trotzdem hast du weiterhin andere getroffen du sagtest, ich sei deinn ein und alles und du wärest froh, dass ich dir eine zweite change gebe....dennoch meldest du dich nicht bei mir du sagtest da war nicht...trotzdem liebst du sie mehr.... wieso tut man das jemanden an....jemanden denn du liebst verletzt du nicht und punkt :/
- When I see your Face ,there is nothing I would change :'D
friends how want to change your live don' t need :( ♥
- When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change Cause you're amazing Just the way you are
- Change is inevitable. Change is constant. (Benjamin Disraeli)
- When I see your face there's not a thing that I would Change, cause youre amzing just the way You are ♥
To me, "fearless" is not the absence of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death. Fearless is falling madly in love again, even though you've been hurt before. Fearless is walking into your freshmen year of high school at fifteen. Fearless is getting back up and fighting for what you want over and over again … even though every time you've tried before, you've lost. It's fearless to have that someday things will change. Fearless is having the courage to say goodbye to someone who only hurts you, even if you can't breathe without them. I think it's fearless to fall for your best friend, even though he's in love with someone else. And when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they'll never stop doing, I think it's fearless to top believing them. It's fearless to say, "you're NOT sorry", and walk away. I think loving someone despite what people think is fearless. I think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is fearless. Letting go is fearless. Then, moving on and being alright … That's fearless too. But no matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it. You have to believe in love stories and prince charmings and happily ever after. That's why I write these songs. Because I think love is fearless.
when i see your face, there's not a thing that i would change ;* 'cause i love you
- When I see your Face, theres not a Thing that I would Change ♥
Live your life. It doesn´t matter if there´s a difference. 'cause you can change your life to the good side.
- there´s not a thing that I would change -> Cause U're a maising, just the way U are!!!!!!!!!!!
People change,things go wrong,shit happens,life goes on. ♥
gib jedem tag in deinem leben die change der schönste zu werden.
Das Gefühl wenn man einfach nicht mehr kann, das Gefühl nicht gut genug zu sein, das Gefühl immer perfekt sein zu müssen, das Gefühl nicht verstanden zu werden, das Gefühl nie eine Change zu haben, das Gefühl nicht mehr ich selbst zu sein, das Gefühl dich für jemanden ändern zu müssen, das Gefühl es nie zu schaffen, das Gefühl wenn einen die Tränen kommen , das Gefühl alleine zu sein, das Gefühl nicht aktzeptierd zu werden, ... Das Gefühl zu lachen, Das Gefühl geliebt zu werden, das Gefühl eines Momentes, das Gefühl glücklich zu sein, das Gefühl nicht alleine zu sein, das Gefühl es geschafft zu haben, das Gefühl wenn mann nur mehr lachen kann, das Gefühl des Erfolges, das Gefühl des lachens, das Gefühl der Freundschaft, ... .. oder auch das Gefühl das, dass nicht alles gewesen sein kann, das es noch mehr geben muss!!
- when i see your face, there a lot of things that i would change...
I want a boyfriend / girlfriend who loves me as I am and always there for me .... I feel without that person alone. Now I need such a person and not in 50 years | now. So if there is such a person that is the most beautiful thing there and he or she would be this person that really loves you So just take this person if they exist. Please, I need this person now! And now I'm still single so take the change to have you and kiss me as often as you can!
- When I see your face thers nod a thing that i woud change !!!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥
- When I could change something, I would do it at once. «3
Things do not change we change. (Henry David Thoreau)
The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. (Amelia Earhart)