Ignorance Sprüche

Die 58 besten Sprüche über Ignorance!

Egal ob lustige Ignorancesprüche oder Sprüche zum Thema Ignorance zum Nachdenken, hier werden Sie garantiert fündig. Entdecken Sie jetzt tolle Ignorancesprüche sowie schöne Ignorancespruchbilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!

  • 100 People i hate on Facebook: People who have the new profile People who still have the old profile People who are always on Facebook People who show up once a month and think they have the right to chime in People who check-in People who have a birthday today People who friend everybody People who only friend people they know well People who friend me. People who share their travel plans by listing the airport codes of the two cities separated by a little arrow. Goto —> hell People who think it's about the journey People who think "LOL!" counts as quality feedback People who think elaborating on a joke is the same as making a joke People who complain about their relationships People who try convince us their relationships are totally awesome People who change their relationship status before telling me their relationship status has changed People who "like" my wife (keep your thumbs-up away from my woman) People who announce they're going to be offline for awhile People who play Farmville People who complain about people who play Farmville without first seeing how irritating it is for themselves People you who regularly tag you in their photo albums when it's clearly a good photo of them and a bad photo of you People who share party photos with people who weren't invited to the party People who post personal messages publicly ("Great seeing you last night!") Attractive people who aggressively share photos People who post happy messages in the morning People who are selling something People who use Facebook to promote their company People who use it for personal reasons People who use it for political reasons People who are overly enthusiastic about my updates People who ignore my updates People who share articles I've already seen People who share articles I might have otherwise missed People who comment on the Facebook blurb about an article without actually reading the article People who never comment about anything People who post their tweets to Facebook People who focus on superficial things People who use Facebook to discus anything of meaning People who post mysterious status updates in an effort to get others to comment: "OMG, what do you mean? Everything OK?" People who comment: "OMG, what do you mean?" People who respond to rhetorical statements People who just changed their profile photo People who were hot as hell in seventh grade but who never share any current photos (and never apologize for ignoring you in Junior High) People who were ugly in junior high and resent those who at least were attractive for a while People who see child abuse as a serious problem and then who think: "Maybe a cartoon avatar would help?" People to whom I am clearly superior but who think I should make the first friending move Inferior People who dare to send a friend request People who in 2007 said, "Facebook has peaked, what's the next thing?" People who are too old for this stuff People who are too young for this stuff People who think they're the first ones to say, "I wish FB had a hate button." People who are overly nice People who share joy People who I've known since childhood People I just met. People who complain People with ugly kid photos People whose kids are more photogenic than mine People who try to chat even though we haven't seen each other for five years People who try to chat even though we talk everyday People who try to chat People who go offline when I try to chat with them People who poke me. People who wish me happy birthday on Facebook People who don't People who see you in person and then repeat the same story they already posted to Facebook and then just stand there until you say, "OK, like." People who post what they just ate or anything about their digestive system People who share their exercise routine People who share their schedule People who share People who try to be clever People who try to be funny People with the best of intentions People who are thoughtful People who type before thinking People who complain about changes made to Facebook People who passively agree to changes on Facebook People who refuse to use Facebook because everyone else is using it People who use the @ sign even though that only works on another site People who think "I made some changes to my profile page" is a valid answer to the question: "What did you do today?" People you don't know comment on photos of your family members People who ask favors People who share that they are sick, feel good, can't sleep or just woke up People who post about the weather People who mention anything related to Burning Man People who share stuff that everyone in the world has already seen, get no response, and then share it again People who aren't sure about a joke they want to make and so they preface it with: "Overheard:" People who use the phrase "note to self" anywhere other than in the silent privacy of their own mind People who write wonderful things about their new boyfriend even though we can all see that the dude is a chump and the same person will be writing terrible things about him in a few months and then expecting us to be surprised and supportive People who think mentioning something about Darfur is going to somehow benefit the People in Darfur because every little bit counts People who can't accept that not all cats are cute and/or interesting People who believe that you'll be happy about their good fortune People who are wildly uninteresting and painfully unfunny yet have a lot more friends than I do People who write the phrase: "Um...OK" People who post song lyrics People who share YouTube videos that have already been viewed 400 million times People who make snarky comments about Sarah Palin People who are Sarah Palin People who stay on Facebook even though they hate everyone on it People who use Friendster

  • PIETRO LOMBARDI ♥ ♥ call my name Say my name, say it loud, say it just to me, say it once, say it twice, but don't disappear, 'cause I say and I pray, that you always be the one.. All I swear, All I swear, that it is so true that I miss your sweet kiss and the rendevouz cause i say and i pray that you always be the one say it again i miss you baby say it again i drive you crazy say it again please stay with me cause if you were call, call my name baby this love will never end can not ignore i love you more more and more cause if you were call my name oh again again again can not ignore i love you more more and more all i know, all i know that my time will come and i pray just to god miss you like the sun cause i know just for sure that you always be the one its my time its the place where i wanna go take this chance for romance all i know it grows cause i know all i know that you always make me strong say it again i miss you baby say it again i drive you crazy say it again please stay with me cause if you were call, call my name baby this love will never end can not ignore i love you more more and more cause if you were call my name oh again again again can not ignore i love you more more and more Oh oh oh... cause if you were call my name oh again again again can not ignore i love you more more and more cause if you were call my name oh again again again can not ignore i love you more more and more

  • Isn't it ironic? we ignore those who adore us. adore those who ignore us. love those who hurt us, and hurt those who love us...

  • Isn't it ironic? We ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones who ignore us,love the ones who hurt us, and hurt the ones that love us. ♥

  • ich geh auf mein profil und seh ein mädchen auf der ignore-list...denk mir: 'hmmm.. warum hab ich die da drauf getan??' ich nehm sie wieder raus und schreibe: 'hi' ihre antwort: 'HAaaiIIII!!! Sch4tziiieeeee WiEE GeeE34TZzz dii3aaAAr?!?!?! und ich tu sie wieder auf die igno

  • Chat. A: Hi :) B: *ignore* A: Hallo ? Bist du da? :o B: *Chat wegklick* A: :( C: Hi :) B: Heey :) C: Was machst du? B: Musik hören und so, du? C: Bin gerade bei A Wer kennt das :D

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • ❝ It's ironic how we ignore those who want us, want those who ignore us, and love those who hurt us and hurt those who love us. ❞

  • A:hast du english geübt?! B:ja klaar schau mal: bonsoir monsieur! :D A: altaaa!! das ist Italienish!! english ist: buona sera signore! :D!
  • First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi

  • Never ignore a person who loves you, who cares for you and who misses you. Because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars.

  • Ich will bei dir nicht auf Ignore sondern auf Fignore ;-)

  • When she acts shy - Say I Love You. When she runs from you - Chase her. When she flirts with you - never turn her down or ignore her. When she puts her face near yours - Kiss her. When she kicks and punches you - Hold her tight. When she is silent - She's thinking of how to say I love you. When she ignores you - She wants all you attention. When she pulls away - Grab her by the waist and never let go. When you see her at her worst - Tell her she's Beautiful. W hen she screams at you - Tell you love her; But you have to mean it. When you see her walking - Sneak up behind her and grab her by the waist. When she's scared - Hold her and tell her everything will be okay cause she's with you. When she looks like something is the matter - Kiss her and tell her not to worry. When she holds your hand - Play with her fingers. When she says she's cold - Move closer When she walks away and looks in the distance - Walk up beside her and talk to her. When its just you and her in the room - Ask her to stay a little longer.

  • To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence. (Mark Twain)

  • Nothing is worse than active ignorance. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

  • 6)IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • When ignorance gets started it knows no bounds. (Will Rogers)

  • 1) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! :* ♥ ♥

  • 16) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!

  • 3) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! ♥ ♥

  • 4) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • 6) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • 10 )IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! ♥ ♥ i love my mom so! ♥ :*

  • 8) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • 7) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love mom.

  • 18) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! ♥ ♥ ♥

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! ♥ :*

  • 5) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! :*

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  • 9) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • 14) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ :**

  • Ich ignore keinen, ich bin nur "afk" ohne bescheid zu sagn! xD

  • 13) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • 19) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • I don't ignore you.. I just want that you write me first :D

  • 12) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • I want a boyfriend who I’m best friends with, just so that we don’t run out of anything to talk about. I want to be able to call my boyfriend an asshole and he’ll joke back and says I’m a bitch. I want to be able to laugh with him. And if I ever do something wrong, I want a boyfriend who would get mad at me, yell at me, storm off, ignore me, and not talk to me the entire day because I know he’d rather do that instead of breaking up at the first sign of a problem. I want a boyfriend who knows he doesn’t have to agree with everything I say, someone who doesn’t change the way he thinks just because of me. I just want to be with him, and him to be with me.

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥v ♥

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! :* ♥ ♥ ♥

  • 20) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! oh yes! ♥

  • 11 )IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! ♥

  • Bruno Mars hatte eine Granade und Taio Cruz ein Dynamite.Sie warfen beides auf Katy Perry,sodass ein großes Firework entstand.Durch den Knall waren die Black Eyed Peas so verwirrt,dass sie The Time vergassen und Rihanna war so erschrocken gewesen,dass sie im Kreis rannte und schrie What's my Name. Far East Movement fühlten sich Like A G6 und als Nelly aufwachte,wusste er, dass alles Just A Dream war! Doch als Money Boy schrie:"Dreh den Swag auf", da es aber irgendwie nicht funktionierte, rufte Justin Bieber gleich zu Money Boy:"Never say Never", im nachinein fragte sich Miley jetzt "Who owns my heart" und Shakira fing wie verrückt daraufhin an Waka Waka zu tanzen. Die Killerpilze gaben ein lautes BOOM von sich uns somit erschrack All Time Low von der riesigen Time Bomb. Pierce the Veil suchte dann nach dem Sky Under The Sea, da sie aber nichts gefunden hatten sagte Eminem"I Love The Way You Lie". Aber die Atzen waren so entzetzt von Eminems aussage, das sie sich eine neue Atzin suchten mussten. Lady Gaga antwortete daraufhin schnell:" Baby, I was born this way". David Guetta bezeichnete Lady Gaga als eine Sexy Bitch, doch Rihanna verstand nur Who's that Chick? und Akon rief per Mikro I just had Sex. Über diese Aussagen wollte Natalia Kills nur zurück ins Wunderland weil sie und Avril Lavigne einfach nur What The Hell dachten. Jason Derulo sagte daraufhin What if..? , doch Paramore Ignorance diese Bemerkung einfach. Letztendlich fragte Rebecca Black noch welchen Sitz sie haben könnte mit einem Auto wo immerhin schon fünf Personen darin saßen, doch im Endeffekt hieß es nur noch Friday, Friday gonna get down on Friday.

  • 15) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • 8) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • 2) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • 7) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

  • IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!! IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!

  • 17) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

Ignorance Sprüche als Bilder!

Viele Ignorance Spruchbilder, tolle kostenlose Ignorancebilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!
PIETRO LOMBARDI ♥ ♥ call my name Say my name, say it loud, say it just t
call my name
Say my name,
say it loud,
say it just to me,
say it once,
say it twice,
but don't disappear,
'cause I say and I pray,
that you always be the one..
All I swear,
All I swear,
that it is so true
that I miss your sweet kiss
and the rendevouz
cause i say and i pray
that you always be the one
say it again
i miss you baby
say it again
i drive you crazy
say it again
Isn't it ironic? We ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones who ign
Isn't it ironic?
We ignore the ones who adore us,
adore the ones who ignore us,
love the ones who hurt us,
and hurt the ones that love us.
Isn't it ironic? we ignore those who adore us. adore those who ignore us
Isn't it ironic? we ignore those who adore us. adore those who ignore us. love those who hurt us, and hurt those who love us...
ich geh auf mein profil und seh ein mädchen auf der ignore-list... denk
ich geh auf mein profil und seh ein mädchen auf der ignore-list...
denk mir: 'hmmm.. warum hab ich die da drauf getan??'
ich nehm sie wieder raus und schreibe: 'hi'
ihre antwort: 'HAaaiIIII!!! Sch4tziiieeeee WiEE GeeE34TZzz dii3aaAAr?!?!?!
und ich tu sie wieder auf die igno
Chat. A: Hi :) B: *ignore* A: Hallo ? Bist du da? :o B: *Chat wegklick*
A: Hi :)
B: *ignore*
A: Hallo ? Bist du da? :o
B: *Chat wegklick*
A: :(
C: Hi :)
B: Heey :)
C: Was machst du?
B: Musik hören und so, du?
C: Bin gerade bei A 
Wer kennt das :D
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
❝ It's ironic how we ignore those who want us, want those who ignore us,
❝ It's ironic how we ignore those who want us, want those who ignore us, and love those who hurt us and hurt those who love us. ❞
100 People i hate on Facebook: People who have the new profile People wh
100 People i hate on Facebook:
People who have the new profile
People who still have the old profile
People who are always on Facebook
People who show up once a month and think they have the right to chime in
People who check-in
People who have a birthday today
People who friend everybody
People who only friend people they know well
People who friend me.
People who share their travel plans by l...
A:hast du english geübt?! B:ja klaar schau mal: bonsoir monsieur! :D A:
A:hast du english geübt?!
B:ja klaar schau mal: bonsoir monsieur! :D
A: altaaa!! das ist Italienish!! english ist: buona sera signore! :D!
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi
Never ignore a person who loves you, who cares for you and who misses yo
Never ignore a person who loves you, who cares for you and who misses you. Because one day you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars.
Ich will bei dir nicht auf Ignore sondern auf Fignore ;-)
Ich will bei dir nicht auf Ignore sondern auf Fignore ;-)
When she acts shy - Say I Love You. When she runs from you - Chase her.
When she acts shy - Say I Love You.
When she runs from you - Chase her.
When she flirts with you - never turn her down or ignore her.
When she puts her face near yours - Kiss her.
When she kicks and punches you - Hold her tight.
When she is silent - She's thinking of how to say I love you.
When she ignores you - She wants all you attention.
When she pulls away - Grab her by the waist and never ...
To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence. (Mark
To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence. (Mark Twain)
Nothing is worse than active ignorance. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Nothing is worse than active ignorance. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
When ignorance gets started it knows no bounds. (Will Rogers)
When ignorance gets started it knows no bounds. (Will Rogers)
1) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this
1) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
6)IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this
6)IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
:* ♥ ♥
3) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this
3) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
4) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this
4) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
10 )IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored thi
10 )IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
 ♥ ♥ i love my mom so! ♥ :*
16) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored thi
16) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days lat...
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
♥ ♥
6) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this
6) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
♥ ♥ ♥
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
♥ :*
8) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored thi
8)  IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
7) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this
7) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love mom.
18) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored thi
18) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
5) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this
5) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
9) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this
9) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ :**
19) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored thi
19) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
12) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored thi
12) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
I want a boyfriend who I’m best friends with, just so that we don’t run
I want a boyfriend who I’m best friends with, just so that we don’t run out of anything to talk about. I want to be able to call my boyfriend an asshole and he’ll joke back and says I’m a bitch. I want to be able to laugh with him. And if I ever do something wrong, I want a boyfriend who would get mad at me, yell at me, storm off, ignore me, and not talk to me the entire day because I know he’d...
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥v ♥
14) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored thi
14) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
Ich ignore keinen, ich bin nur "afk" ohne bescheid zu sagn! xD
Ich ignore keinen, ich bin nur "afk" ohne bescheid zu sagn! xD
13) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored thi
13) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.
I don't ignore you.. I just want that you write me first :D
I don't ignore you.. I just want that you write me first :D
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
 :* ♥ ♥ ♥
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
oh yes! ♥
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this an
IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.!!
20) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored thi
20) IF YOU love your mom then post this to 20 people. A girl ignored this and her mom died 365 days later. Sorry i cant ignore this bcz i love my mom.

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