History Sprüche
Die 13 besten Sprüche über History!
Egal ob lustige Historysprüche oder Sprüche zum Thema History zum Nachdenken, hier werden Sie garantiert fündig. Entdecken Sie jetzt tolle Historysprüche sowie schöne Historyspruchbilder zum Liken, Teilen und Weiterschicken!- yesterday is history, tommorow is a mistery. today is a gift, that's why they call it present.
Our whole univierse was in a hot dense state. Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started WAIT The earth began to cool, autodrops began to drool, neanderthales developed tools . We built a wall, we built the pyramids. Maths, Sciene, History.. Unravelling the mystery That all started with the Big Bang BANG ! ;DD alle die diesen song auch geil finden likes ;D
"This shit is dirtier than my? 13 year old brother's browser history on a friday night." --Somewhere on Youtube(Marsiv)
I AM BAD in ENGLISH BUT i can tell you that I LOVE YOU. . . I am BAD in GEOGRAPHY BUT i can tell you thAt you LIVE in my HEART. . . I am BAD in HISTORY BUT I can REMEMBER when i FIRST saw you. . . I am BAD in CHEMISTRY BUT I can tell WHATS the REACTION when you SMILE. . . I am BAD in PHYSICS BUT I can tell the INTENSITY of SPARK of my EYES when they SEE you. . . I am BAD in every SUBJECT BUT I can TELL ALL I will PASS all SUBJECTS if the TOPIC is YOU.
- Yesterday was history.Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Toady is a gift.That´s why we call it present :)
Anybody can make history. Only a great man can write it. (Oscar Wilde)
- Yesterday is history tomorrow is mistery but today is a gift ♥ ... :D
The main thing is to make history, not to write it. (Otto von Bismarck)
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. (Thomas Jefferson)
- you're fadin' from view and you're fallin' into history ...
American History X: Der Typ wurde grade von den Nazis im Knast unter der Dusche von hinten genommen. Der Leher besucht ihn und fragt den Arzt, wie es dem Typ geht. Der Arzt sagt, dass er sechs Stiche gebraucht hat, im Gesicht von dem Typen sind aber nur zwei... Wer es checkt, oder den Film mag, liken :)