You asked me with tears in your eyes : Why ? & I smiled and answered . Just for fun. Than you cryed. But you didn´t know that I did it for you. I won´t hurt your heart with love. Than it is better when I hurt your heart as a friend . Cause a friend you caN FORGIVE. But your first love you´ll never forget the time with me

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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Boy: I broke up with her. His Best Friend: What happened? Boy: She’s jus
Boy: I broke up with her.
His Best Friend: What happened?
Boy: She’s just too much for me.
His Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?
Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed! So insecure..
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? She wanted you ...
Never touch a heart, if you're not able to protect! Never confuse love w
Never touch a heart, if you're not able to protect! Never confuse love with passion ... You could hurt your heart so much that it can never love again!
One day my friend asked me why I ´m in love with you. First I wanted to
One day my friend asked me why I ´m in love with you.
First I wanted to list all the good stuff, ´cause you know,you´re a good looking one but then I thought it would be too superficial. Then I thought about telling about the all the great fortitudes and the sweet weaknesses,that you hate but I still like them so much! But I wasn´t sure if my friend realizes them and also share them so I just s...
Once again you're home alone Tears running from your eyes And I'm on the
Once again you're home alone
Tears running from your eyes
And I'm on the outside
Knowing that you're all I want
But I can't do anything
I'm so helpless baby
Everyday same old things
So you're still feelin pain
Never had real love before
And it ain't her fault
She knows better but
She can't help it
Wanna tell her
But would that be selfish
How do you heal
A heart that can't feel, it's broken
His ...
Love begins with a smile, goes by a kiss and ends with tears in your eye
Love begins with a smile, goes by a kiss and ends with tears in your eyes!
love begins with a smile, goes by a kiss and ends with tears in your eye
love begins with a smile, goes by a kiss and ends with tears in your eyes! ♥


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