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I was an Echelon and I had a mission: To Attack and Kill the Savior of a Modern Myth. But I was a Stranger in a Strange Land and at the Night of the Hunter a Hurricane came so I was Fallen at the Edge of the Earth 93 Million Miles and was welcome to the universe. I saw 100 Suns. I tried to Escape but I couldn´t... Was it a Dream? No - Just a Beautiful Lie... ... well I was a Capricorn, and that was the End of the Beginning. So I went to Search and Destroy my enemies. My number of flight was L490, and I needed an Alibi. Maybe I should be the Buddha for Mary, but this would bring me just Closer to the Edge. I heard the Vox Populi... They screamed "THIS IS WAR!" But I had to go through it alone, was the Battle of One. But I just Re-volved around myself... Although I met the Kings and Queens. it was just The Fantasy of winning this War, going round in my Head. Now it´s the Year Zero and th Story, my Story, fell into Oblivion. But I will be a Hunter, until I´ve got my Revenge from Yesterday...