It´s hard too look in your Eyes :( Because when I look at you than hurts Me too much, because you Loves me Not! But I . . . I . . . Love You sooo Much ♥

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10 tolle Sprüche, die man kennen sollte!

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Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Reject
Everyone says love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love. But in reality love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in this world that does not hurt.
Everyone says that love hurts. That's simply not true... Lonelyness hurt
Everyone says that love hurts.
That's simply not true...
Lonelyness hurts, rejection hurts, losing someone hurts.
        But Love does not hurt.
i love you more than... ...spongebob lovey jellyfish. ...sandy loves kar
i love you more than...
...spongebob lovey jellyfish.
...sandy loves karate. krabs loves money.
& squadward loves his clarinet.
baby i need you like plankton needs the krabby patty secret formula. ♥
Why id we make it so hard ? This life is so complicated until we see it
Why id we make it so hard ? This life is so complicated
until we see it through the eyes of a child .
Reamonn: through the eyes of a child
Love is like a kind of gold; hard to find and hard to hold!! ♥
Love is like a kind of gold; hard to find and hard to hold!! ♥
love is like a kind of gold, it's hard to find and hard to hold
love is like a kind of gold, it's hard to find and hard to hold


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